
Parsers and serializers for common RDF formats

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import rdfjsFormatsCommon from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@rdfjs/formats-common';



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This module bundles parsers and serializers for the most common RDF formats. Instances of SinkMap are used to handle different media types.


The formats object has a parsers and serializers property. Each of it is an instance of SinkMap with the most common RDF media types as key.


const formats = require('@rdfjs/formats-common')
const Readable = require('stream').Readable

const input = new Readable({
  read: () => {
      PREFIX s: <http://schema.org/>

      [] a s:Person ;
        s:jobTitle "Professor" ;
        s:name "Jane Doe" ;
        s:telephone "(425) 123-4567" ;
        s:url <http://www.janedoe.com> .

const output = formats.parsers.import('text/turtle', input)

output.on('data', quad => {
  console.log(`quad: ${quad.subject.value} - ${quad.predicate.value} - ${quad.object.value}`)

output.on('prefix', (prefix, ns) => {
  console.log(`prefix: ${prefix} ${ns.value}`)