
Collection of smart contracts for the Realitio fact verification platform

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import realityEthContracts from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@reality.eth/contracts';



Contracts for Reality.eth, including source code, ABI and addresses of contracts on mainnet and test networks.

networks/ contains a directory hierarchy with a file for the deployed version of each live contract on the specified network for the specified token. Each file also lists any whitelisted arbitrators. It may also contain additional post-deployment files for arbitrators we deployed.

tokens/ contains a file describing each supported token.

chains/ contains the full raw data from https://chainid.network/chains.json, and a file listing chains we specifically support, and adding useful configuration information not supplied by chainid.network.

The above are combined into JSON files under generated/ using npm run-script generate.

development/contracts/ contains source files and build files for contracts from the original build, as laid out by truffle. These files are no longer supported as a way of managing contract addresses.

config/templates contains information about templates deployed by the constructor to save fetching them from the event logs.


$ cd development/contracts/

`$ ./compile.py RealityETH-3.0


Contract tests use python3.

$ cd tests/python

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

You can then test the version in question with, eg

$ REALITYETH=RealityETH-3.0 python test.py


You will need the private key of an account with funds to deploy on the relevant network. It should be in hex, beginning "0x", in a file called mainnet.sec or rinkeby.sec or the equivalent for the network you will deploy to.

$ mkdir packages/contracts/secrets

The .gitignore file should prevent it from being checked into Git, but be careful not to share it.

To deploy contracts using the code compiled under contracts/bytecode, use

$ cd packages/contracts/scripts

$ node deploy.js <Realitio|Arbitrator|ERC20> <network> <token_name> [<dispute_fee>] [<arbitrator_owner>]

This will add contract addresses to the existing deployed contract .json definitions, and deploy per-token versions in the format expected by the realitio-dapp ui.

If the token or network was not previously supported, you will need to add its configuration files and run npm run-script generate.

Adding your contracts to the dapp

If you have added Reality.eth for a new token, or a new arbitrator, or both, please submit the changes to this repo as a PR.