
Official Rebilly front-end components library

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import rebillyRecomponents from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@rebilly/recomponents';




Recomponents is compatible with both yarn and npm:

npm install @rebilly/recomponents --save
yarn add @rebilly/recomponents


Recomponents can be imported directly via CDN (check JSFiddle):

        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <script src="https://unpkg.com/vue"></script>
        <script src="https://unpkg.com/@rebilly/recomponents/dist/recomponents.js"></script>
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/@rebilly/recomponents/dist/recomponents.css">
        <recomponents-r-button>Click me</recomponents-r-button>

Or bundled with webpack:

        <r-button>Click me</r-button>

    import Vue from 'vue'
    import '@rebilly/recomponents/dist/recomponents.css'
    import Recomponents from '@rebilly/recomponents'


    export default {}

During installation you can specify some options that could ovverride default behaviour of some components.

List of available options
  • ErrorHandler - Handler to convert any server / client error into user-friendly message that can be displayed via RToast
  • allowToastCloseButton - Add ability to close all RToast messages by default


We prefer Storybook to plain-old documentation. Check it out to see all of our components on display, with a comprehensive description and the ability to tweak properties and slots.

Building storybook

Building (will generate bundled version in ../../docs folder):

npm run build-storybook
yarn build-storybook

Serving built storybook (from docs folder)

If you want to serve the built version you can install http-server:

    yarn global add http-server
    npm install http-server -g

and run:

    yarn serve-built-storybook
    npm run serve-built-storybook


Recomponents are open source and released under the MIT Licence.

Copyright © 2019 Rebilly