
Creates a SVG element using D3v4.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import redsiftD3RsSvg from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@redsift/d3-rs-svg';



d3-rs-svg is a component for creating a SVG 1.1 root element that is compatable with the D3 margin convention. This component is dependent on D3 v4 (Alpha).


Circle CI

UMD from //static.redsift.io/reusable/d3-rs-svg/latest/d3-rs-svg.umd-es2015.min.js



<script src="//static.redsift.io/reusable/d3-rs-svg/latest/d3-rs-svg.umd-es2015.min.js"></script>
    var svg = d3_rs_svg.html();


import * as svg from "@redsift/d3-rs-svg";
let eml = svg.html();

If using rollup.js for a browser target, ensure d3-rs-svg is part of the global map.


var svg = require("@redsift/d3-rs-svg");
var eml = svg.html();

By convention, the SVG element is meant to be hosted in a HTML node, hence svg.html()


Name Description Transition
width,height SVG viewport size, px Y
scale SVG scaling factor, floating point Y
margin margin convention, Object or integer px Y
classed SVG custom class N
style SVG CSS embed N
background Rect background color Y
title N
role https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria/roles#img N

Parameters that support transition can be animated and chained.

    .call(svg)					// draw the SVG at default (1x) scale
    .call(svg.scale(2.0))		// scale the SVG by 2x
    .call(svg.scale(1.0))		// bounce back after 333ms

Note, this form of chaining does not work for parameters that do not support transition. Use the on('end', ... event for them.

var el = d3.select('#elm')
    .call(svg.style('rect{fill: yellow;}'));

    .append('rect')				// add a rect to the SVG we can paint with CSS
        .attr('width', svg.childWidth())
        .attr('height', svg.childHeight());

el.transition().delay(1000).duration(0).on('end', function() {
        .call(svg.scale(2.0).style('rect{fill: green;}'));	// this green is applied after 1s of delay but 500ms before the scale changes

Accessible features

This module implements some of the features described here.