
Version read/write plugin for release-it

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import releaseItBumper from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@release-it/bumper';


Version read/write plugin for release-it

This plugin reads and/or writes version/manifest files.

npm install --save-dev @release-it/bumper

In release-it config:

"plugins": {
  "@release-it/bumper": {
    "in": "composer.json",
    "out": "composer.json",
  • Use only the in option to read the version from this file in the release-it process.
  • Use only the out option to write the version that was determined by release-it to this file.
  • Use both to read and write the version property from/to this file.

The version from the in file will take precedence over the latest Git tag (and the version from package.json if it exists) in release-it to determine the latest version.

The supported file types are:

  • *.json (or explicitly provide the application/json type)
  • *.yaml and *.yml (or explicitly provide text/yaml or application-x-yaml for type)
  • *.toml (or set application/toml or text/toml for type)
  • *.ini for INI files (or set text/x-properties mime type)
  • *.txt for text files (or set any text/* mime type)

The fallback type is text if the file extension and/or type is not known (e.g. index.php).

"plugins": {
  "@release-it/bumper": {
    "in": {
      "file": "VERSION",
      "type": "text/plain"
    "out": {
      "file": "VERSION",
      "type": "text/plain"

To replace all occurences of the current version with the new version in any text file:

"plugins": {
  "@release-it/bumper": {
    "out": {
      "file": "file.php",
      "type": "text/php"

The out option can also be an array of files:

"plugins": {
  "@release-it/bumper": {
    "out": ["manifest.json", "bower.json"]

The out option is parsed with fast-glob, so glob patterns can be used to match files to write to:

"plugins": {
  "@release-it/bumper": {
    "out": "dist/*.json"

The path option (default: "version") can be used to change a different property. The following example will set the current.version property to the new version in manifest.json:

"plugins": {
  "@release-it/bumper": {
    "out": {
      "file": "manifest.json",
      "path": "current.version"

Multiple paths can be provided using an array.