
Restpack.io client for HTML to PDF API, and Screenshot API

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import restpackClient from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@restpack/client';


Restpack Node.JS library

This library provides easy access to https://restpack.io API services from Node.JS


Install the package with:

npm install @restpack/client --save

Or, if you are using Yarn;

yarn add @restpack/client


The package needs to be configured using your client access keys that can be found on the Restpack Console.

All API methods return a Promise so you can chain calls or use async / await.

var restpack = require("@restpack/client");

var html2pdf = restpack.html2pdf("<YOUR ACCESS KEY>");
var screenshot = restpack.screenshot("<YOUR ACCESS KEY>");

  .convert("http://google.com", { pdf_page: "A4" })
  .then(function success(document) {
  .catch(function fail(error) {


For detailed documentation, please visit HTML to PDF API v5 Reference page.

var restpack = require("@restpack/client");

var html2pdf = restpack.html2pdf("<YOUR ACCESS KEY>");

// Convert given URL to PDF. Return the document details and CDN url of PDF
// Check Available Options link above for all options.
var promise = html2pdf.convert("http://google.com", {
  pdf_page: "A4" /* , other options */,
promise.then(function (doc) {

// Convert given html content to PDF. Return the document details and CDN url of PDF
html2pdf.convertHTML("<p><b>Bold text</b> etc</p>", {
  pdf_page: "A4" /* , other options */,

// Convert given URL to PDF. Return the PDF document as Buffer
html2pdf.convertToPDF("http://google.com", {
  pdf_page: "A4" /* , other options */,

// Convert given html content to PDF. Return the PDF document as Buffer
html2pdf.convertHTMLToPDF("<p><b>Bold text</b> etc</p>", {
  pdf_page: "A4" /* , other options */,

Screenshot API

For detailed documentation, please visit Screenshot API v5 Reference page.

var restpack = require("@restpack/client");

var screenshot = restpack.screenshot("<YOUR ACCESS KEY>");

// Convert given URL to PDF. Return the document details and CDN url of PDF
// Check Available Options link above for all options.
var promise = screenshot.capture("http://google.com", {
  pdf_page: "A4" /* , other options */,
promise.then(function (doc) {

// Convert given html content to PDF. Return the document details and CDN url of PDF
screenshot.captureHTML("<p><b>Bold text</b> etc</p>", {
  pdf_page: "A4" /* , other options */,

// Convert given URL to PDF. Return the PDF document as Buffer
screenshot.captureToImage("http://google.com", {
  pdf_page: "A4" /* , other options */,

// Convert given html content to PDF. Return the PDF document as Buffer
screenshot.captureHTMLToImage("<p><b>Bold text</b> etc</p>", {
  pdf_page: "A4" /* , other options */,