
REST API Functional Test engine based on Gerkin - RestQa

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import restqaRestqapi from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@restqa/restqapi';


RestqAPI 🦏

An Awesome Cucumber library providing ready to use steps to test REST APIs

What is RestqAPI ?

RestQapi is a part of the RestQA ecosystem. In order to test RESTful API through automation, RestQapi is proving an awesome bootstrap for you to kick in within a few minute. Based on cucumber-js, the library expand the number of defined step on one of your current automation project based on cucumber-js.


  • Node.js >= 12
  • Cucumber >= 6.0.5


Using npm:

npm install @restqa/restqapi @cucumber/cucumber

Using yarn:

yarn add @restqa/restqapi @cucumber/cucumber

Then you will need to create or update your world.js file:


const {
  After, AfterAll, Before, BeforeAll,
  Given, When, Then,
} = require('@cucumber/cucumber')

const RestQapi = require('./restqapi')

const options = {
  name: 'local',
  url: 'http://example.com',

const rQapi = new RestQapi(options)

rQapi.setSteps({ Given, When, Then })
rQapi.setHooks({ Before, BeforeAll, After, AfterAll })


Run your Spec



In order to run the test you will need to pass an option object to the RestQapi instance

const config = {
  name: 'local',
  url: 'http://host.docker.internal:8080',
  insecure: true, // ignore ssl validation
  data: {
    channel: 'google-sheet',
    config: {
      id: process.env.GOOGLE_SHEET_ID,
      apikey: process.env.GOOGLE_SHEET_APIKEY
    startSymbol: '{[',
    endSymbol: ']}'
  secrets: {
    'api-key': 'xxx-yyy-zzz'


key option type / notes required example
name string false uat
url string true https://api.uat.example.com
data.channel string
google-sheet / csv / confluence (more info on the restqdata library)
false csv
data.config object
The config will depend on the given channel check the available options
true (if channel is defined) { folder: 'data'}
data.startSymbol string false
(default: {{)
data.endSymbol string false
(default: }})
data.storage string
Location of your files on the file system
(default: /tmp)
secrets Object
List of secret variable you will want to access within our scenario (ex: apikey, token, etc...)
false { apikey : 'xxx-yyy-zzz'}

Working file

If you are using step definition that require to use file from your file system, you will need to specify first the location of the files into the configuration. Example:

  • Your project is located into the folder /user/john/tests
  • In order to upload the file data/avatar.png

You will need to specify the options as following :

# /user/john/tests/setup.js

const config = {
  name: 'local',
  url: 'http://host.docker.internal:8080',
  insecure: true, // ignore ssl validation
  data: {
    storage: './data'

Then you can use the step definition as : Given I add the form value "file" as a file stored at "avatar.png"

Working with external datasets

In order to decouple your datasets from your scenarios, RestQapi is leveraging the RestQdata library. RestQdata is allowing you to connect RestQapi with an external data source such as :

  • Confluence (Your confluence instance should be accessible from restqa run environment)
  • Google sheets
  • Csv (file need to be hosted next to your .feature file

Feel free to look at the restqdata options : https://github.com/restqa/restqdata

Then once your dataset is connected you will need to start using them in your test scenario.


The sheet's name is users and contains the following information

| | firstname | lastname | gender | | --| --------- | -------- | ------ | | 1 | John | Doe | Male | | 2 | Alex | kid | Male | | 3 | Lois | Lane | Female |

Then to use the Lois Lane information into the scenario you will just need have the following steps

Given the query parameter contains "firstname" as {{ users.3.firstname }}
Given the query parameter contains "lastname" as {{ users.3.lastname }}
Given the query parameter contains "gender" as {{ users.3.gender }}

As you can see we used {{ users:3:firtsname }} to identify the word Lois. The concept is simple, to identify a specific information use the patter {{resource.row.colum}}

More specifically:

  • Resource is the name of your sheet
  • row is the number of the row
  • column is the column name

Working with secrets

Secret are private data that might be required by your api to response properly. In order to have your secret extracted from you scenario you can add them in the options Then you can use it exactly like any other dataset:

// world.js

const options = {
  name: 'local',
  url: 'http://host.docker.internal:8080',
  secrets: {
    'api-key': 'xxx-yyy-zzz'

Then inside your scenario :

Given the header contains "x-api-key" as {{ api-key }}


This repository comes with few examples, in order to run them, invoke the following script:

npm run start:example

Perfomance test generation

Have you ever face that challenge of maintaining your performance test files ?

This is why RestQApi is proposing a way to translate your current feature files into your favorite performance tool format.

Only 2 simple test are required:

1. Update your configuration file

Into your configuration file you wiil need to select your performance tool by adding the following.

Example if you want to select artillery as the perfomance toole

const config = {
  name: 'local',
  url: 'https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com',
  performance: {
    type: 'artillery'

Currently the performance tool available are:

If you are working with an other tool (k6, jmeter, etc..), please open an issue. We will prioritize the development.

2. Select the scenario to translate as test performance fixture

In order to select the list of scenario you will just need to use the tag @performance, then from there during the processing RestQApi will create all the performance files.


Scenario: I retrive the list of information
Given I have the api gateway


Because sometime it can be annoying to create big test case, A good thing is that you RestQapi can generate Test scenario for you! In a few word, here is the simple process:

  • Share your request information
  • RestQapi will run your request and get the response from your request
  • From the request + the response a test scenario will be genereated


const { Generator } = require('@restqa/restqapi')

async function generate (url) {
  let options = {
 let result = await Generator(options)


Output :

Given I have the api gateway hosted on "https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com"
  And I have the path "/todos/1"
  And I have the method "GET"
When I run the API
Then I should receive a response with the status 200
  And the response body should be equal to:
  "userId": 1,
  "id": 1,
  "title": "delectus aut autem",
  "completed": false


In order to generate a scenario you can share different options:

let options = {
  url: 'http://www.example.com?q=restqa',
  method: 'POST',
  headers: {
    'x-api-key': 'xxx-yyy-zzz'
  user: {
    username: 'john',
    password: 'doe'
  body: { // only if form is not specified
    hello: "world",
    bonjour: "le monde",
  form: { // only if body is not specified
    hello: "world",
    bonjour: "le monde",
  ignoreSsl: true



Apache 2.0 License