
Rimble Utils is part of an array of tools to help web3 dApp developers launch products faster and with better UX.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import rimbleUtils from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@rimble/utils';



Rimble Utils is part of an array of tools to help web3 dApp developers launch products faster and with better UX.

Getting started

Clone this repository and install its dependencies:

// with npm
npm install @rimble/utils --save

// with yarn
yarn add @rimble/utils

Usage Example

Import RimbleUtils library and call functions.

import RimbleUtils from '@rimble/utils';

const canDoWeb3 = RimbleUtils.browserIsWeb3Compatible(); // returns true or false boolean
const currentNetworkName = RimbleUtils.getEthNetworkNameById(4); // returns "Rinkeby" string
const isMobile = RimbleUtils.isMobileDevice(); // returns true or false boolean

Methods of RimbleUtils

Name Parameters Returns Description
browserIsWeb3Capable none boolean Examines brower's UserAgent and determines if browser is recent Chrome, FireFox, Brave, or Opera
getEthNetworkNameById Ethereum network ID string Converts an Ethereum network ID into a network name
isMobileBrowser none boolean Examines browser's UserAgent and determines if the current device is a mobile platform




Open an issue for any bugs or feature requests


We are open source and welcome your contributions !


MIT © ConsenSys