
ESLint configurations by Rise

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import riseDigitalEslintConfigRise from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@rise-digital/eslint-config-rise';



ESLint configurations used by us in Rise, we thought you might love them too.


Quick one-liner (install & configuration)

Installs eslint, prettier & @rise-digital/eslint-config-rise, and sets up the default .eslintrc.js (Warning: this will overwrite an existing .eslintrc.js)

yarn add --dev \
eslint \
prettier \
@rise-digital/eslint-config-rise \
&& \
printf '%s\n%s\n' \
"const config = require('@rise-digital/eslint-config-rise')" \
"module.exports = config()" \
> .eslintrc.js


Install the necessary packages: eslint, prettier & @rise-digital/eslint-config-rise

yarn add --dev \
eslint \
prettier \


A default configuration look like this. Please note that the rc-file is a js file and not json, as we look up which packages to support.

// .eslintrc.js
const config = require('@rise-digital/eslint-config-rise')
module.exports = config()

The config creator take an optional options object, to extend or disable specific rules.

// .eslintrc.js
const config = require('@rise-digital/eslint-config-rise')
module.exports = config({
  rules: {
    'rule/to-disable': 0,
  env: {
    node: true,
  globals: {
    logger: true,

Current supported packages

By default standard & prettier is included in the config.

  • Config is extended with Flowtype support, if package.json includes flow-bin
  • Config is extended with React support, if package.json includes react
  • Config is extended with React Native support,if package.json includes react-native
  • Config is extended with Jest support,if package.json includes jest

Editor integration setup

Generally we want the editor to lint (run eslint) while typing, and only fix errors (run eslint --fix) on save. Here are some extensions/packages for various editors:

Visual Studio Code

ESLint extension

Use/add the following configuration in your User Settings:

  "editor.formatOnSave": false,
  "eslint.autoFixOnSave": true


linter-eslint package

Use/add the following configuration in Your Config (config.cson):

  fixOnSave: true

Sublime Text

Sublime​Linter package + Sublime​Linter-contrib-eslint package ESLint-Formatter package

Enable automatic formatting on save, in the package-settings:

  "format_on_save": true