
A tiny TypeScript-powered logging solution with support for color (TTY) and pretty object printing.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import robinlemonLogger from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@robinlemon/logger';



A tiny TypeScript-powered logging solution with support for color (TTY) and pretty object printing.

NPM Package Build Status Coverage Status TypeCov Codechecks


This is a Node.js module available through the npm registry.

Before installing, download and install Node.js. Node.js 6.0 or higher is required.

Installation is done using the npm install command:

$ npm install @robinlemon/logger



import Logger, { Levels } from '@robinlemon/logger';

const logger = new Logger({
    Name: 'Main',

    /* Unnecessary */
    Suppressed: false,

    /* Unnecessary */
    DefaultLevel: LogLevel.INFO,

    /* Unnecessary */
    InspectOptions: {
        showHidden: false,
        showProxy: false,
        depth: 2,
        colors: true,
        compact: false,

 * Development Logging
logger.Log((process.env.NODE_ENV = 'development')) // -> INFO: development
logger.Log('foo'); // -> INFO: foo
logger.Log(LogLevel.SILLY, 'foo'); // -> SILLY: foo

 * Production Logging
logger.Log((process.env.NODE_ENV = 'production')) // -> INFO: production
logger.Log('foo'); // -> INFO: foo
logger.Log(LogLevel.SILLY, 'foo'); // -> Not printed

 * Suppressing
logger.Log('foo') // -> INFO: foo
logger.Log('foo'); // -> Not printed
logger.Log('foo'); // -> INFO: foo

 * Colours
logger.Log('%red%foo%'); // -> INFO: foo (in red)


Available Logging Levels:

export const LogLevel = {
    'ERROR': Symbol('error'),
    'WARN': Symbol('warn'),
    'INFO': Symbol('info'),
    'VERBOSE': Symbol('verbose'),
    'DEBUG': Symbol('debug'),
    'SILLY': Symbol('silly'), 

Constructor Options

All constructor options are optional.

Option Type Default Description
Name string or undefined undefined A label that is printed when Log is called.
If set to undefined no label will be printed.
MaxLevel LogLevel 'INFO' or 'SILLY' The maximum level that should be printed, setting this to INFO and logging under SILLY will not print the silly leveled message.
If NODE_ENV is not set to production this will automatically be set to SILLY, otherwise it will be INFO - unless explicitly overriden by constructor option.
DefaultLevel LogLevel 'INFO' The LogLevel to use when one is not provided to Log.
Suppressed boolean false Whether the logger should respond to Log calls.
InspectOptions Identical to util.inspect See below. The options to pass to NodeJS's util.inspect for objects.
export const DefaultOptions: Required<ILoggerOptions> = {
    Name: '',
    DefaultLevel: LogLevel.INFO,
    MaxLevel: LogLevel.INFO,
    Suppressed: false,
    InspectOptions: {
        showHidden: false,
        showProxy: false,
        depth: 2,
        colors: true,
        compact: false,


Any string of the following format will be interpolated to remove the percentage symbols.

This module supports all colour namespaces from Chalk.


Instance Properties

Note that all of the properties on this class are readonly except Name.


Type: string

Description: The Logger instance's name.

new Logger({ Name: 'foo' }).Name // -> foo


Type: string

Description: The default level that is used to log when one is not provided as a lowercase string.

new Logger({ DefaultLevel: LogLevel.SILLY }).DefaultLevel // -> silly


Type: string

Description: The maximum level the logger will print as a lowercase string.

new Logger({ MaxLevel: LogLevel.WARN }).MaxLevel // -> warn


Type: boolean

Description: A boolean determining if the Logger instance is suppressed.

new Logger({ Suppressed: true }).isSuppressed // -> true

Instance Methods

All instance methods return the class reference (this).


Suppresses log output.

new Logger().Hide();


Removes the log suppression.

new Logger().Show();


Prints an empty line.

new Logger().Space();


Writes to std::out given a logging level and list of items to print.

 * @param Level The logging level to use.
 * @param Items Infinite arguments here of things to log.
 * @returns The current Logger instance.
Log(Level?: LogLevel, ...Items: unknown[]): this;

new Logger().Log('foo');
new Logger().Log(LogLevel.SILLY, 'foo');
new Logger().Log('foo', 'bar', 'baz');
new Logger().Log(LogLevel.SILLY, 'foo', 'bar', 'baz');


To run the test suite, first install the dependencies, then run npm test:

$ npm install
$ npm test
