
An adapter based tool to handle feature toggles, progressive rollouts and A/B Testing services in our products

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import sUiPde from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@s-ui/pde';



An adapter based tool to handle feature toggles, progressive rollouts and A/B Testing services in our products


$ npm install @s-ui/pde


This is a tool that abstracts from:

  • PDE tools like Optimizely, Houston, Target, Unleash, ...
  • Integration with third party analytics tools like Segment
  • User id management
  • User consents management
  • Common audiences and segments

In order to abstract from progressive delivery and experimentation (PDE) tools like Optimizely, sui-pde provides a JS class which requires an adapter that connects directly to one of those tools. We did implement the Optimizely Full Stack adapter.

Optimizely adapter

React context

Setup the tool's own react context in your context factory like this:

import {PDE, PdeContext} from '@s-ui/pde'
import OptimizelyAdapter from '@s-ui/pde/lib/adapters/optimizely'

// all options here https://docs.developers.optimizely.com/full-stack/docs/initialize-sdk-javascript-node, but for now only 3 of them are available
const optimizelyInstance = OptimizelyAdapter.createOptimizelyInstance({
  sdkKey: MY_API_KEY,  // optimizely sdk api key
  options // optional, datafileOptions
  datafile // optional

const optimizelyAdapter = new OptimizelyAdapter({
  optimizely: optimizelyInstance,
  userId: // mandatory,
  hasUserConsents  // if false, the user won't be part of the A/B test,
  applicationAttributes: {   // optional, global application attributes that must be send on every experiment activation
    site: 'coches.net',
    environment: 'development'

const pde = new PDE({
  adapter: optimizelyAdapter,
  hasUserConsents: true // Kept because of legacy reasons, pass it by the OptimizelyAdapter constructor

// app.js
<PdeContext.Provider value={{pde}}>
  // children

SSR considerations

When client-side rendering, sui-pde will load the datafile saved as window.__INITIAL_CONTEXT_VALUE__.pde as initial datafile. Therefore, you'll need to inject the output of the pde.getInitialContextData() function in your html when server side rendering.


Given experiment experimentX with 2 variations variationA and variationB render MyVariationA or MyVariationB component depending on the variation the user has being assigned. Render MyVariationA by default

⚠️ If the user did not consent to or if optimizely decides that the user will not be part of the experiment of something goes wrong, useExperiment will return as variation value null

⚠️ The useExperiment hook will call a global window.analytics.track method with Experiment Viewed as event name with the experiment properties so you are able to replicate the experiment in your analytics tool

import {useExperiment} from '@s-ui/pde'

const EXPERIMENT_NAME = 'experimentX'

const MyComponent = () => {
  const {variation} = useExperiment({experimentName: EXPERIMENT_NAME})

  if (variation === 'variationB') return <MyVariationB />
  return <MyVariationA>

You can also use Experiment component which takes the same props as the hook

import {Experiment} from '@s-ui/pde'

const EXPERIMENT_NAME = 'experimentX'

const MyComponent = () => {
  return (
    <Experiment experimentName={EXPERIMENT_NAME}>
      {({variation}) => variation === 'variationB' ? <MyVariationB /> : <MyVariationA>}

Special cases for useExperiment Experiment Viewed track

Given useExperiment sends Experiment Viewed on being executed, some facts could happen:

  • Root: Analytics SDK is loaded async and loads after useExperiment hook has been called

  • Cause: Experiment Viewed won't be sent.

  • Root: Experiment Viewed should has a different name or properties.

  • Cause: Send a track with wrong values.

In order to have a higher controll about that, useExperiment accepts a trackExperimentViewed callback to customize it

import {useExperiment} from '@s-ui/pde'

const EXPERIMENT_NAME = 'experimentX'

const trackExperiment = ({experimentName, variationName}) => {
  window.analytics.track('Experiment Viewed', {
      customProperty: 'yay'

const MyComponent = () => {
  const {variation} = useExperiment({
    experimentName: EXPERIMENT_NAME,
    trackExperimentViewed: trackExperiment

  if (variation === 'variationB') return <MyVariationB />
  return <MyVariationA>


In order to pass by attributes, you'll able to do so by adding the named parameter attributes when using the useExperiment hook. Something like this:

import {useExperiment} from '@s-ui/pde'

const EXPERIMENT_NAME = 'experimentX'

const MyComponent = () => {
  const {variation} = useExperiment({
    experimentName: EXPERIMENT_NAME,
    attributes: {   // this will send these attributes
      isLoggedIn: true

  if (variation === 'variationB') return <MyVariationB />
  return <MyVariationA>

⚠️ Remember that common attributes (those attributes that every experiment should send by) are set with the applicationAttributes when creating the optimizely adapter. Check out the react context section

Force experiment variation

It's possible to force a variation for our experiment in the browser. For example, lets assume we want to QA a specific variation for our test called abtest2_recommender and the test is running in http://myweb.com. In order to force a variation you'll have to add a query param using the experiment name but adding suipde_ as prefix, for example, for our recommender test, the url to open in order to force a variation would be http://myweb.com?suipde_abtest2_recommender=default. This would force the default variation. If forced, optimizely impression will not be triggered.

Feature Flags and Feature Tests

⚠️ user consent do apply to feature flags only when used as feature test ⚠️ The useFeature hook will call a global window.analytics.track method with Experiment Viewed as event name with the experiment properties so you are able to replicate the experiment in your analytics tool. For each linked experiment (feature tests), an extra Experiment Viewed event will be send.

import {useFeature} from '@s-ui/pde'

const MyComponent = () => {
  const {isActive} = useFeature('myFeatureKey') // isActive = true when the feature flag is activated

  return <p>The feature 'myFeatureKey' is {isActive ? 'active' : 'inactive'}</p>

You can also use Feature component which takes the following optional props

  • featureName
  • attributes
  • queryString
import {Feature} from '@s-ui/pde'

const MyComponent = () => {
  return (
    <Feature featureKey="myFeatureKey">
      {({isActive}) => (
        <p>The feature 'myFeatureKey' is {isActive ? 'active' : 'inactive'}</p>

Feature Flags Variables

Returns all feature variables for the specified feature flag

import {useFeature} from '@s-ui/pde'

const MyComponent = () => {
  const {isActive, variables} = useFeature('myFeatureKey') // variables = an object with all the feature variables

  return (
      The feature 'myFeatureKey' is{' '}
      {isActive ? `active and price value is ${variables.price}` : 'inactive'}

Segment integration

By default, segment integration will be active, this means that a global window.optimizelyClientInstance reference to the optimizelyIntance object passed by to the PDE constructor will be created. In case you want to turn this option off, create the optimizely adapter as follows:

const optimizelyAdapter = new OptimizelyAdapter({
  optimizely: optimizelyInstance,
  activeIntegrations: {segment: false}


In order to pass by attributes, you'll able to do so by adding the second argument as attributes when using the useFeature hook. Something like this:

import {useFeature} from '@s-ui/pde'

const MyComponent = () => {
  const {isActive} = useFeature('myFeatureKey', {
    isLoggedIn: true // this second parameter are the attributes

  return <p>The feature 'myFeatureKey' is {isActive ? 'active' : 'inactive'}</p>

⚠️ Remember that common attributes (those attributes that every experiment should send by) are set with the applicationAttributes when creating the optimizely adapter. Check out the react context section

Force feature flag to be on/off

It's slighty different to force a feature flag to be activated or deactivated. Lets assume we have our feature flag ff_skills_field running under http://myweb.com. In order to force the flag to be on or off you'll have to add a query param using the flag's name but adding suipde_ as prefix same way we force an experiment, but the only valid values are on or off. For example, in this case, the url to open in order to force would be http://myweb.com?suipde_ff_skills_field=on. This would force the feature flag to be on. http://myweb.com?suipde_ff_skills_field=off would set the feature flag as off. If forced, optimizely impression will not be triggered.