
`MoleculeAutosuggest` is an input that will display a list of suggestions while values are entered It allows Single and Multiple Selection

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import sUiReactMoleculeAutosuggest from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@s-ui/react-molecule-autosuggest';



MoleculeAutosuggest is an input that will display a list of suggestions while values are entered It allows Single and Multiple Selection


$ npm install @s-ui/react-molecule-autosuggest --save


import MoleculeAutosuggest, { MoleculeAutosuggestDropdownListSizes } from '@s-ui/react-molecule-autosuggest'
import MoleculeAutosuggestOption from '@s-ui/react-molecule-dropdown-option'

const IconCloseTag = () => <span>x</span>  
const IconClear = () => <span>x</span>  

const suggestions = ['John','Johnny']

Single Selection

Basic usage

  placeholder="Select an option..."
  iconClear={<IconClose />}
  {suggestions.map((suggestion, i) => (
    <MoleculeAutosuggestOption key={i} value={suggestion}>

Large List

  placeholder="Select an option..."
  iconClear={<IconClose />}
  {suggestions.map((suggestion, i) => (
    <MoleculeAutosuggestOption key={i} value={suggestion}>

Multiple Selection

Basic usage

  placeholder="Select some options..."
  iconCloseTag={<IconCloseTag />}
  iconClear={<IconClear />}
  {suggestions.map((suggestion, i) => (
    <MoleculeAutosuggestOption key={i} value={suggestion}>

Managing State

Custom component from MoleculeAutosuggest that handle State

MoleculeAutosuggest is a stateless component so to manage dynamic options we need to create a wrapper component that manages this and pass proper props and proper children (MoleculeAutosuggestOption) to MoleculeAutosuggest


import React, {Component} from 'react'

import MoleculeAutosuggest from '@s-ui/react-molecule-autosuggest'
import MoleculeAutosuggestOption from '@s-ui/react-molecule-dropdown-option'

import {getAsyncCountriesFromQuery} from '../services'

export default class AutosuggestSingleWithAsyncOptions extends Component {
  state = {value: '', options: []}

  onChange = async (e, {value}) => {
    const options = await getAsyncCountriesFromQuery({query: value})
    this.setState({value, options})

  render() {
    const {options, value} = this.state
    const {onChange, props} = this

    return (
      <MoleculeAutosuggest {...props} value={value} onChange={onChange}>
        {options.map((option, i) => (
          <MoleculeAutosuggestOption key={i} value={option}>

so then, the AutosuggestSingleWithAsyncOptions can used in this way...

  <AutosuggestSingleWithAsyncOptions iconClear={<IconClear />} />

Using an hoc like withDynamicOptions

It can be useful creating a hoc (like the one withDynamicOptions available in the demo) that combined with other hoc from @s-ui/hoc can be used to simplify the use of this component with dinamyc suggestions based on the value


import React, {Component} from 'react'

export default (BaseComponent, BaseChildComponent) => getDynamicOptions => {
  const displayName = BaseComponent.displayName

  return class withDynamicOptions extends Component {
    static displayName = `withDynamicOptions(${displayName})`

    state = { options: []}

    async componentDidUpdate({value: prevQuery}) {
      const {value: query} = this.props
      if (query !== prevQuery) {
        const options = await getDynamicOptions({query})
        this.setState({options}) // eslint-disable-line

    render() {
      const {props} = this
      const {options} = this.state
      return (
        <BaseComponent {...props}>
          {options.map((option, i) => (
            <BaseChildComponent key={i} value={option}>

use of withDynamicOptions for creating a stateful version of MoleculeAutosuggest

import MoleculeAutosuggest from '@s-ui/react-molecule-autosuggest'
import MoleculeAutosuggestOption from '@s-ui/react-molecule-dropdown-option'

import withDynamicOptions from './hoc/withDynamicOptions'
import {withStateValue} from '@s-ui/hoc'

// some function that gets a `{query}` and returns asynchronoudly a list of values
import {getAsyncCountriesFromQuery} from './services'

const MoleculeAutosuggestWithDynamicOptions = withDynamicOptions(

const MoleculeAutosuggestWithState = withStateValue(

so then, the MoleculeAutosuggestWithState can used in this way...

  placeholder="Type a Country name..."
  onChange={(_, {value}) => console.log(value)}
  iconClear={<IconClear />}

Find full description and more examples in the demo page.