
This component improves performance using dynamic rendering technique at Component level.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import sUiReactPerfDynamicRendering from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@s-ui/react-perf-dynamic-rendering';



This component improves performance using dynamic rendering technique at Component level.

It uses the userAgent prop to detect if the user is a bot or not.

If you're a bot, no matter if you're on the server side or the browser side, the wrapped content will be always rendered.

If you're an user:

  • On the server side, nothing is rendered.
  • On the client side, the content will be rendered when it is about to interesect the viewport.

You could completely disable the behaviour of the component using the prop disabled and thus it will render nothing until it is enabled. This could be useful to enable the component on the browser side when the user performs an action, like a click.


$ npm install @s-ui/react-perf-dynamic-rendering --save


Basic usage

import PerfDynamicRendering from '@s-ui/react-perf-dynamic-rendering'

return (
    <PerfDynamicRendering userAgent={navigator.userAgent}>
      <img src='https://huge-image.com/panda.jpg'/>

    <PerfDynamicRendering disabled={true} userAgent={navigator.userAgent}>
      <img src='https://huge-image.com/panda_02.jpg'/>

    <PerfDynamicRendering height={50} userAgent={navigator.userAgent}>
      <img src='https://huge-image.com/panda_02.jpg'/>

    <PerfDynamicRendering height={50} userAgent={navigator.userAgent} forceRender={true}>
      <p>This Image will be render in client and server even when the image it is outside of the viewport</p>
      <p>Or in the server even when is a regular user agent</p>
      <p>The practical effect of this, is make this component 100% transparent</p>
      <img src='https://huge-image.com/panda_02.jpg'/>



Common props you may want to specify include:

  • disabled - Flag that determines if you want disable the Intersection Observer lazy load strategy. And use a controller lazy strategy ONLY in client side.
  • forceRender - avoid any check and render always.
  • height - Number that determines the height of the component that we're waiting in pixels.
  • userAgent - String with the userAgent that will be used to check if is bot or normal user.
  • placeholder - A component or html element that is used as a placeholder
  • rootMargin - String in the format of the css margin property. the values serves to grow or shrink each side of the root element's bounding box before computing intersections.
  • botsUserAgents - An Array of strings that is used to set the lists of userAgents for which the element is always rendered

Find full description and more examples in the demo page.