
There are 5 parts of ui projects. Api , Data store , Logic , Mapper , UI

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import sabasayerEnterprise from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@sabasayer/enterprise';



There are 5 parts of ui projects. Api , Data store , Logic , Mapper , UI

  1. Api : Handles requests and response from backend

  2. Data store : Stores data that get from backend or only local data. Handles caching etc.

  3. Logic : Communicates with data store or sometimes directly api. Changes data accordingly to needs of backend and ui. Also validates to data. Acts as gatekeeper between ui and backend

  4. Mapper : Maps domain models to viewModels and vice versa.

  5. UI : Renders data and handles user input. UI frameworks ( vue , react vs.) dont need to know logic and where and how data is stored.

This projects acts as a guide for first 4 parts and also provides usefull tools.

Check examples folder for usage examples. Check docs folder for detailed documents.

How to use ?

Main part of this framework is EnterpriseApi class which handles requests.

To create EnterpriseApi instance

const enterpriseApi = enterpirseBoot({
    languagePrefix: "tr-tr",
    dataField: "data",
    headers: {
        "content-type": "application/json",
    authTokenHeaderKey: "x-authentication-token"

This will ensure that all Logic classes injected EnterpriseApi instance

Second part is DataProvider which contains Entity spesific methods and options to provide data from api or cache

Third part is Logic which contains Entity spesific Business Logic codes and has a DataProvider object

Fore example if we have User model we will have minimum 2 files in User folder :

UserDataProvider , UserLogic

DataProvider and Logic accepts EnterpriseApi object at the constructor

export class UserDataProvider extends EnterpriseDataProvider {
    constructor(api: EnterpriseApi) {

export class UserLogic extends EnterpriseLogic {
    static instance: UserLogic;
    private provider: UserDataProvider;

    constructor(api: EnterpriseApi) {
        this.provider = new UserDataProvider(api);



Logic is a singleton class. To initialize that with EnterpriseApi intance register method must be called .

DataProvider and Logic has one more variations that is customized for collections.

EnterpriseCollectionProvider , EnterpriseCollectionLogic

These classes contains predefined cache, save, get, delete logic.

1. Enterprise Api

Manages the communication with api's with help of axios

To use initialize an object from EnterpriseApi class

const enterpriseApi = new EnterpriseApi({
    baseUrl: 'http://mytest.api.io'

constructor requires an object typeof EnterpriseApiOptions

interface EnterpriseApiOptions {
    baseUrl?: string;
    protocol?: "http" | "https";
     * en-us , tr-tr , etc.
    languagePrefix?: string;
     * json , api :
     * myapp.com/json , myapp.com/api
    prefix?: string;
    hostName?: string;
    headers?: Record<string, string>;
     * key: current hostname that app is running, 
     * value: hostName to use at baseUrl
     * {'myapp.com':'endpoint1.com',
     * 'myApp2.com':'endpoint2.com'}
    endpoints?: Record<string, string>;
     * sometimes api returns {data:[{...}]}
     * dataField = 'data'
    dataField?: string;
    createErrorMessagesFunc?: (response: AxiosResponse) => ErrorMessages;
    authTokenHeaderKey?: string;

If baseUrl is empty api creates baseUrl from other options.

2. Enterprise Data House

Handler for cached data. It is an static class.

class EnterpriseDataHouse {
    static instance: EnterpriseDataHouse;

        type: EnumCacheType,
        typename: string,
        uniqueCacheKey?: string
    ): TModel[] 

        type: EnumCacheType,
        typename: string,
        collection: TModel[],
        uniqueCacheKey?: string
    ): void

    clear(type: EnumCacheType, typename: string, uniqueCacheKey?: string)  

        type: EnumCacheType,
        typename: string,
        collection: TModel[],
        compareFunc?: (cachedItem: TModel, item: TModel) => boolean,
        uniqueCacheKey?: string
    ): void 

        type: EnumCacheType,
        typename: string,
        filterFunc: (item: TModel) => boolean

3. Enterprise Data Provider

Handles api requests. Request object validation , cancalleble requests, prevent same requests. Extends EnterpriseCancellable which handles request cancellation

 class EnterpriseDataProvider extends EnterpriseCancellable {

     constructor(api: EnterpriseApi)

     * Returns cancel token and response.
    cancellableApiRequest<TRequest, TResponseModel>(
        options: IApiRequestOptions,
        request: TRequest,
        mustCheckWaitingRequest: boolean = true
    ): ICancellableApiResponse<TResponseModel> ;

     * Validates request, handles cancelation and response
     * @param cancelTokenUniqueKey unique string for grouping sameRequest.
     * Cancels existing waiting promises with same unique key and request.
     * @param mustCheckWaitingRequest Prevents paralel same request
    async apiRequest<TRequest, TResponseModel>(
        options: IApiRequestOptions,
        request: TRequest,
        cancelTokenUniqueKey?: string,
        mustCheckWaitingRequest: boolean = true,
        config?: AxiosRequestConfig
    ): Promise<IApiResponse<TResponseModel>> ;

        options: IEnterpriseRequestOptions,
        onUploadProgress?: (progressEvent: ProgressEvent) => void
    ): Promise<AxiosResponse<any>> ;


4. Enterprise Collection Provider

Extends EnterpriseCollectionProvider and EnterpriseCollectionCacheProvider which handles caching for collections.

Also have get, save, delete, subscribe methods.

class EnterpriseCollectionProvider<
    TSaveRequest = undefined,
    TSaveResponse = undefined,
    TDeleteRequest = undefined,
    TDeleteResponse = undefined
> {

        api: EnterpriseApi,
        options: EnterpriseCollectionOptions<TModel>

    subscribe(options: IEnterpriseSubscription<TModel>) 

    unsubscribe(id: string) 

     * Decides where data will be provided by options.
     * Cache or Api
     * @param getOptions how to compare and get data
     * @param apiFunc api call function to get from backend
    async get(
        getRequest: TGetRequest,
        getOptions?: GetCollectionOptions<TModel>
    ): Promise<IApiResponse<TModel[]> | never>

    createRequestHash<TRequest>(request: TRequest) 

     * @param cancelTokenUniqueKey Group cancel tokens by this key.
     * And cancel previous ones with same key
    async getFromApi<TGetRequest>(
        request: TGetRequest,
        cancelTokenUniqueKey?: string
    ): Promise<IApiResponse<TModel[]>> 

     * @param mapResponseToModel Runs after request succeeded,
     * creates array for saving to cache
    async save(
        request: TSaveRequest,
        mapResponseToModel?: (response: TSaveResponse) => TModel[]
    ): Promise<IApiResponse<TSaveResponse>> 


     * @param ids Removed item ids to remove from cache
    async delete(
        request: TDeleteRequest,
        ids?: (string | number)[]
    ): Promise<IApiResponse<TDeleteResponse>> 

5. EnterpriseLogic

Write Business Logic code inside this class. UI only uses this class

class EnterpriseLogic {
    static instance: EnterpriseLogic;

    constructor(api?: EnterpriseApi) 

     * Registers to LogicBoot static class. 
     * Registered logics will use main EnterpriseApi.
     * Don't register if you want to use different EnterpriseApi
    static register()

6. EnterpriseCollectionLogic

Business Logic for collections.

Uses ExtractGetRequest type helper to extract RequestTypes from CollectionProvider

 class EnterpriseCollectionLogic<
    TCollectionProvider extends EnterpriseCollectionProvider<
    TViewModel = undefined,
    TGetRequest = ExtractGetRequest<TCollectionProvider>,
    TSaveRequest = ExtractSaveRequest<TCollectionProvider>,
    TSaveResponse = ExtractSaveResponse<TCollectionProvider>,
    TDeleteRequest = ExtractDeleteRequest<TCollectionProvider>,
    TDeleteResponse = ExtractDeleteResponse<TCollectionProvider>
> extends EnterpriseLogic {

        api: EnterpriseApi,
        provider: { new (api: EnterpriseApi): TCollectionProvider },
        mapper?: { new (): EnterpriseMapper<TModel, TViewModel> },
        vmIdField?: keyof TViewModel
    subscribe(options: IEnterpriseSubscription<TModel>)

    unsubscribe(id: string) 

    async get(
        request: TGetRequest,
        getOptions?: GetCollectionOptions<TModel>
    ): Promise<
        IApiResponse<(TViewModel extends undefined ? TModel : TViewModel)[]>

    async getOne(
        request: TGetRequest,
        getOptions?: GetCollectionOptions<TModel>
    ): Promise<
        IApiResponse<TViewModel extends undefined ? TModel : TViewModel>

        model: TViewModel extends undefined ? TModel : TViewModel
    ): IValidationResult | Promise<IValidationResult>;

    async validateMany(
        models: (TViewModel extends undefined ? TModel : TViewModel)[]
    ): Promise<IValidationResult> 

    getIdFromItem(model: TViewModel extends undefined ? TModel : TViewModel) 

    async saveOne(
        model: TViewModel extends undefined ? TModel : TViewModel,
        createSaveRequest: (model: TModel) => TSaveRequest
    ): Promise<IApiResponse<TSaveResponse>> 

    async save(
        models: (TViewModel extends undefined ? TModel : TViewModel)[],
        createSaveRequest: (models: TModel[]) => TSaveRequest
    ): Promise<IApiResponse<TSaveResponse>> 

    async delete(
        options: TDeleteRequest
    ): Promise<IApiResponse<TDeleteResponse>> 

7. EnterpriseMapper

Maps from one object to another with options.

Initialize with object

type EnterpriseMapperOptions<TModel, TViewModel> = {
    toViewModel?: MapOptions<TModel, TViewModel>;
    toModel?: MapOptions<TViewModel, TModel>;

type MapOptions<TModel1, TModel2> = {
    onlyMapDefinedFields?: boolean;
    ignoredFields?: (keyof TModel1)[];
    mappers?: {
        [K in keyof TModel2]?: mapField<TModel1, TModel2, K> | keyof TModel1;

type mapField<TModel1, TModel2, TModel2Field extends keyof TModel2> = (
    model1: TModel1,
    model2Field?: TModel2Field
) => TModel2[TModel2Field];


class EnterpriseMapper<TModel, TViewModel> {

    constructor(options: EnterpriseMapperOptions<TModel, TViewModel>)

    defaultViewModel?(): TViewModel;

    mapListToVm(models?: TModel[]): TViewModel[]

    mapListToModel(viewModels?: TViewModel[]): TModel[] 
    mapToVm(model: TModel): TViewModel

    mapToModel(model: TViewModel): TModel 

    private map<TModel1, TModel2>(
        model: TModel1,
        options?: MapOptions<TModel1, TModel2>
    ): TModel2 