
NodeJS SDK for FullContact APIs

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import salesflareFullcontactNodeSdk from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@salesflare/fullcontact-node-sdk';


Build Status npm version Node version

IMPORTANT: This SDK should be used server-side only. Using it in a browser would expose your API Key.


npm install fullcontact-node-sdk --save


API Documentation can be found at https://docs.fullcontact.com/

JSDocs can be found in docs.md



var fullcontact = require('fullcontact-node-sdk')({
    apiKey: '<API Key>',
    userAgent: '<AppName/Version>',
  returnFullResponse: true | false // Optional: when true, will return the full HTTP response, when false just the body. Defaults to false
Enrich APIs

All Enrich APIs can be found under the enrich property on the client.

const myLookup = async () => {
    try {
      const res = await fullcontact.enrich.person.enrich({ email: 'bart@fullcontact.com' })

      //do something with res
    } catch(e) {
      //handle error


To run tests:

npm test