
- Description: This plugin allows the usage of Sentry. - Type: Render Plugin

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import scullyioScullyPluginSentry from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@scullyio/scully-plugin-sentry';



  • Description: This plugin allows the usage of Sentry.
  • Type: Render Plugin

Getting Started

1. Install the plugin:

npm install -D @scullyio/scully-plugin-sentry

2. Use the plugin:

In the application's scully.your-app.config.file:

  1. Configure the plugin:

The plugin's configuration receives an object like this {key: string, org: string, project: string} where the key, org, and project are provided in the Script Tag window.Sentry.init({ dsn: 'https://<key>@<org>.ingest.sentry.io/<project>' }) provided by Sentry.

  1. Make a default post render array and add the plugin to it.

  2. Set the default post renders in Scully config.


// ./scully.your-app.config.ts

import { setPluginConfig, ScullyConfig } from '@scullyio/scully';
import { Sentry } from '@scullyio/plugins/Sentry';

const defaultPostRenderers = [];

setPluginConfig(Sentry, {
  key: 'your-key',
  org: 'your-org',
  project: 'your-project',

export const config: ScullyConfig = {
  routes: {
    '/': {
      type: 'contentFolder',
      postRenderers: [...defaultPostRenderers],