
RPM build package for node. This is a wrapper around rpmbuild command line. Forked from azweb76/node-rpmbuild

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import seangarnerRpmbuild from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@seangarner/rpmbuild';



This is a node package that wraps the rpmbuild cli making integrating rpmbuild into node a little easier.

Forked from https://github.com/azweb76/node-rpmbuild which appears to have been abandoned.


1. Install rpmbuild globally:

npm install -g @seangarner/rpmbuild

2. Install rpmbuild in your project dependencies:

npm install --save @seangarner/rpmbuild

rpmbuild API

var rpm = require('@seangarner/rpmbuild');
  name: 'myproject',
  summary: 'myproject RPM',
  description: 'this is an RPM for myproject',
  files: {
    '/var/local/myproject': [ 'lib/**', 'node_modules/**' ],
    '/usr/bin': [ 'bin/**' ]
  installScript: ['chown -R myuser:myuser %{buildroot}', 'echo "test" > %{buildroot}/test.txt'],
  version: '0.0.1',
  release: 1,
  url: 'http://myproject/',
  license: 'GPL+',
  group: 'Development/Tools'
}, function(err, result){
  if (err){
    throw new Error('rpm.build failed' + err.toString());