
Snap Client

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import searchspringSnapClient from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@searchspring/snap-client';


Snap Javascript Client

Simple Javascript client for communicating with the Searchspring Snap API.

Quick Links

Snap API docs - Search & Autocomplete API documentation

Snapi Explorer - a tool for making requests to Searchspring's API


npm install --save @searchspring/snap-client


import { Client } from '@searchspring/snap-client';

Global Config

Client is constructed with globals.

Globals are API parameters that will be applied to all searches requested by the client. This will typically contain just the siteId; but could also include global filters, background filters, sorts, or merchandising segments.

siteId (required)

const globals = {
    siteId: 'a1b2c3'

Any other keys defined here will be passed to the API request

For a full list of parameters please see the Snap API docs

For example, with background filter:

const globals = {
    siteId: 'a1b2c3',
  filters: [{
    field: 'stock_status',
    value: 'yes',
    type: 'value',
    background: true

Client Config

Object required for all controllers

export type ClientConfig = {
  meta?: {
        api?: SnapApiConfig;
        cache?: CacheConfig;
    search?: {
        api?: SnapApiConfig;
        cache?: CacheConfig;
    autocomplete?: {
        api?: SnapApiConfig;
        cache?: CacheConfig;
    recommend?: {
        api?: SnapApiConfig;
        cache?: CacheConfig;
    suggest?: {
        api?: SnapApiConfig;
        cache?: CacheConfig;

export type CacheConfig = {
    enabled?: boolean;
    ttl?: number;
    maxSize?: number;
    purgeable?: boolean;

export type SnapApiConfig = {
    origin?: string;

Controller usage

Snap Client is a dependency of Snap Controller and it is recommended to use the Controller's search method to perform a search.

Cache usage

Each requester in the Snap Client has its own cache settings, which can be configured via the ClientConfig under cache. Settings include:

enabled: to opt out - Defaults to true,

ttl: to adjust how long the requests are stored (in ms) - Defaults to 300000,

maxSize: to adjust the maximum size of the cache allowed to be stored in localStorage (in kb - Defaults to 200,

purgeable: to allow auto purging of the requests from localstorage when maxSize is hit, based on time remaining to expiration. - Defaults to true with the exception of meta,

Standalone usage

const client = new Client(globals, clientConfig);

const results = await client.search({
  search: {
    query: {
      string: 'dress'

search method

Makes a request to the Searchspring Search API and returns a promise.

const client = new Client(globals, clientConfig);

const results = await client.search({
  search: {
    query: {
      string: 'dress'

autocomplete method

Makes a request to the Searchspring Autocomplete API and returns a promise.

const client = new Client(globals, clientConfig);

const results = await client.autocomplete({
  suggestions: {
    count: 5
  search: {
    query: {
      string: 'yellw',
      spellCorrection: true

meta property

The meta property contains the metadata related to the siteId that the client was instantiated with. This data is to be used together with search results. Metadata contains site configuration like facet and sorting information.

Note that the search method sets the meta property, therefore it must be called before attempting to access the meta property.

const client = new Client(globals, clientConfig);

const results = await client.search({
  search: {
    query: {
      string: 'dress'

const meta = client.meta;