
clean - run del-cli and delete the build directory 2. build - clean and then build typescript into javascript. 1. we updated tsconfig.json file to change output to ./build 3. 'files': [] 1. which files should we publish > just do all of theme...

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import secretsauceCommon from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@secretsauce/common';


Common Components for Ticketing

package.json scripts

  1. clean - run del-cli and delete the build directory
  2. build - clean and then build typescript into javascript.
    1. we updated tsconfig.json file to change output to ./build
  3. 'files': []
    1. which files should we publish > just do all of theme...

Publish to npm

  1. commit changes with git
  2. update npm version
    1. npm version patch
  3. npm run build
  4. npm publish


  1. npm run pub
  2. goto directory that needs updated package
  3. npm update @secretsauce/common
  4. k get pods
  5. k exec -it [pod-name] sh > checkout files if you want...

pub script

  1. do steps above with 1 command
  2. what is bad about it for production
    1. basically just bad commit message and versions...