
React component for the Geoapify Geocoder Autocomplete field

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import sectorLabsReactGeocoderAutocomplete from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@sector-labs/react-geocoder-autocomplete';


React compoment for Geoapify Geocoder Autocomplete

The component wraps the @geoapify/geocoder-autocomplete library into a React component.

Geoapify Geocoding API

The component uses Geoapify Geocoding API for address search.

Geoapify Place Details API

On user select events the Place Details API is called to provide more details for the selected place and it's geometry. Note, that the Place Deatils API call costs additional "Geocoding & Places" request. Use the skipDetails option to skip the Places Details API call.

Compatiblity table

|@geoapify/react-geocoder-autocomplete|React| |-|-| |1.0.x| >= 16.8.0| |1.1.x| >= 16.8.0| |1.2.x| >= 17.1.0|


@geoapify/react-geocoder-autocomplete has a peer dependancy on @geoapify/geocoder-autocomplete:

npm install @geoapify/geocoder-autocomplete @geoapify/react-geocoder-autocomplete
# or 
yarn add @geoapify/geocoder-autocomplete @geoapify/react-geocoder-autocomplete


You need an API key to be able to call Geoapify Geocoding API. Register and get an API key for Free on myprojects.geoapify.com. Geoapify has Freemium pricing model. You can start for Free and extend when you need.

  1. Import styles Import CSS style file from @geoapify-geocoder-autocomplete to make the control appear correctly. You can choose from several stylings:
  • minimal and round-borders - for webpages with light background color
  • minimal-dark and round-borders-dark for webpages with dark background color.
  1. Add Geoapify context and provide an apiKey there
  2. Add Geoapify Geocoder Autocomplete component
import React, { useState } from 'react'
import { GeoapifyGeocoderAutocomplete, GeoapifyContext } from '@geoapify/react-geocoder-autocomplete'
import '@geoapify/geocoder-autocomplete/styles/minimal.css'

const App = () => {

  function onPlaceSelect(value) {

  function onSuggectionChange(value) {

  return <GeoapifyContext apiKey="YOUR_API_KEY_HERE">


      <GeoapifyGeocoderAutocomplete placeholder="Enter address here"

export default App

Component properties

| Name | Type | Description | |-|-|-| | value | string | Initial value or display value for the input field | | type | LocationType | Type of a location | lang | SupportedLanguage | Results language | | limit | number | The maximal number of returned suggestions | | placeholder | string | An input field placeholder | | filterByCountryCode | ByCountryCodeOptions | Search places in the countries | | filterByCircle | ByCircleOptions | Search places inside the circle | | filterByRect | ByRectOptions | Search places inside the rectangle | | biasByCountryCode | ByCountryCodeOptions | First, search places in the countries | | biasByCircle | ByCircleOptions | First, search places inside the circle | | biasByRect | ByRectOptions | First, search places inside the rectangle | | biasByProximity | ByProximityOptions | Prioritize results by farness from the location | | skipIcons | boolean | Don't add icons to suggestions | | skipDetails | boolean | Skip Place Details API call on selection change | | position | GeoPosition | Prefered search position | | countryCodes | CountyCode[] | Limit the search by countries |

You can use several filters at once. The AND logic is applied to multiple filters.

You can use several bias parameters at once. The OR logic is applied to multiple biases.

export type ByCountryCodeOptions = CountyCode[];

export interface ByProximityOptions {
    lon: number;
    lat: number;

export interface ByCircleOptions {
    lon: number;
    lat: number;
    radiusMeters: number;

export interface ByRectOptions {
    lon1: number;
    lat1: number;
    lon2: number;
    lat2: number;

export type LocationType = 'country' | 'state' | 'city' | 'postcode' | 'street' | 'amenity';
export type SupportedLanguage = "ab" | "aa" | "af" | "ak" | "sq" | "am" | "ar" | "an" | "hy" | "as" | "av" | "ae" | "ay" | "az" | "bm" | "ba" | "eu" | "be" | "bn" | "bh" | "bi" | "bs" | "br" | "bg" | "my" | "ca" | "ch" | "ce" | "ny" | "zh" | "cv" | "kw" | "co" | "cr" | "hr" | "cs" | "da" | "dv" | "nl" | "en" | "eo" | "et" | "ee" | "fo" | "fj" | "fi" | "fr" | "ff" | "gl" | "ka" | "de" | "el" | "gn" | "gu" | "ht" | "ha" | "he" | "hz" | "hi" | "ho" | "hu" | "ia" | "id" | "ie" | "ga" | "ig" | "ik" | "io" | "is" | "it" | "iu" | "ja" | "jv" | "kl" | "kn" | "kr" | "ks" | "kk" | "km" | "ki" | "rw" | "ky" | "kv" | "kg" | "ko" | "ku" | "kj" | "la" | "lb" | "lg" | "li" | "ln" | "lo" | "lt" | "lu" | "lv" | "gv" | "mk" | "mg" | "ms" | "ml" | "mt" | "mi" | "mr" | "mh" | "mn" | "na" | "nv" | "nb" | "nd" | "ne" | "ng" | "nn" | "no" | "ii" | "nr" | "oc" | "oj" | "cu" | "om" | "or" | "os" | "pa" | "pi" | "fa" | "pl" | "ps" | "pt" | "qu" | "rm" | "rn" | "ro" | "ru" | "sa" | "sc" | "sd" | "se" | "sm" | "sg" | "sr" | "gd" | "sn" | "si" | "sk" | "sl" | "so" | "st" | "es" | "su" | "sw" | "ss" | "sv" | "ta" | "te" | "tg" | "th" | "ti" | "bo" | "tk" | "tl" | "tn" | "to" | "tr" | "ts" | "tt" | "tw" | "ty" | "ug" | "uk" | "ur" | "uz" | "ve" | "vi" | "vo" | "wa" | "cy" | "wo" | "fy" | "xh" | "yi" | "yo" | "za";

export type CountyCode = "none"| "auto" | "ad" | "ae" | "af" | "ag" | "ai" | "al" | "am" | "an" | "ao" | "ap" | "aq" | "ar" | "as" | "at" | "au" | "aw" | "az" | "ba" | "bb" | "bd" | "be" | "bf" | "bg" | "bh" | "bi" | "bj" | "bm" | "bn" | "bo" | "br" | "bs" | "bt" | "bv" | "bw" | "by" | "bz" | "ca" | "cc" | "cd" | "cf" | "cg" | "ch" | "ci" | "ck" | "cl" | "cm" | "cn" | "co" | "cr" | "cu" | "cv" | "cx" | "cy" | "cz" | "de" | "dj" | "dk" | "dm" | "do" | "dz" | "ec" | "ee" | "eg" | "eh" | "er" | "es" | "et" | "eu" | "fi" | "fj" | "fk" | "fm" | "fo" | "fr" | "ga" | "gb" | "gd" | "ge" | "gf" | "gh" | "gi" | "gl" | "gm" | "gn" | "gp" | "gq" | "gr" | "gs" | "gt" | "gu" | "gw" | "gy" | "hk" | "hm" | "hn" | "hr" | "ht" | "hu" | "id" | "ie" | "il" | "in" | "io" | "iq" | "ir" | "is" | "it" | "jm" | "jo" | "jp" | "ke" | "kg" | "kh" | "ki" | "km" | "kn" | "kp" | "kr" | "kw" | "ky" | "kz" | "la" | "lb" | "lc" | "li" | "lk" | "lr" | "ls" | "lt" | "lu" | "lv" | "ly" | "ma" | "mc" | "md" | "me" | "mg" | "mh" | "mk" | "ml" | "mm" | "mn" | "mo" | "mp" | "mq" | "mr" | "ms" | "mt" | "mu" | "mv" | "mw" | "mx" | "my" | "mz" | "na" | "nc" | "ne" | "nf" | "ng" | "ni" | "nl" | "no" | "np" | "nr" | "nu" | "nz" | "om" | "pa" | "pe" | "pf" | "pg" | "ph" | "pk" | "pl" | "pm" | "pr" | "ps" | "pt" | "pw" | "py" | "qa" | "re" | "ro" | "rs" | "ru" | "rw" | "sa" | "sb" | "sc" | "sd" | "se" | "sg" | "sh" | "si" | "sj" | "sk" | "sl" | "sm" | "sn" | "so" | "sr" | "st" | "sv" | "sy" | "sz" | "tc" | "td" | "tf" | "tg" | "th" | "tj" | "tk" | "tm" | "tn" | "to" | "tr" | "tt" | "tv" | "tw" | "tz" | "ua" | "ug" | "um" | "us" | "uy" | "uz" | "va" | "vc" | "ve" | "vg" | "vi" | "vn" | "vu" | "wf" | "ws" | "ye" | "yt" | "za" | "zm" | "zw";

Component event properties

| Name | Description | Value type | |-|-|-| | placeSelect | Fired when a location was selected | GeoJSON.Feature | | suggestionsChange | Fired on new suggestions | [GeoJSON.Feature[]] (https://geojson.org/) |

Properties of the feature contain information about address and location. Learn more about Geocoder result properties on Geoapify Documentation page.

The component doesn't have dependancy on @types/geojson. However, you can install it to work with GeoJSON types.