
Create an issue from SARIF file

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import securityAlertSarifToIssue from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@security-alert/sarif-to-issue';



Create an issue from SARIF file


Install with npm:

npm install @security-alert/sarif-to-issue


  $ npx @security-alert/sarif-to-issue <sarif-file-path>

  <sarif-file-path> Path to sarif file path

  --dryRun                      Dry-Run when it is enabled
  --token                       [Required] GitHub Token, or support environment variables - GITHUB_TOKEN=xxx
  --owner                       [Required] Github repository owner for creating issue. e.g.) "azu"
  --repo                        [Required] Github repository name for creating issue. e.g.) "security-alert"
  --title                       [Required] GitHub issue title. e.g.) "Security Notice"
  --assignees                   Assignee user name of the issue. names are separated by ,(comma)
  --labels                      Label names of the issue. labels are separated by ,(comma) 
  --sarifContentOwner           [Required] GitHub Owner name of sarif content result.  e.g. "owner"
  --sarifContentRepo            [Required] GitHub Repository name of sarif content result. e.g. "repo"
  --sarifContentBranch          [Required] GitHub Repository branch name of sarif content result. e.g. "master"
  --sarifContentSourceRoot      Base path to sarif scanned source. You can set CodeQL's sourceLocationPrefix as relative value if necessary
  # Create an issue to azu/codeql-scan-example from "./test/fixtures/xss.sarif" file
  $ GITHUB_TOKEN=xxx npx @security-alert/sarif-to-issue --title "Example Issue" --owner azu --repo codeql-scan-example --sarifContentOwner azu --sarifContentRepo codeql-scan-example --sarifContentBranch master ./test/fixtures/xss.sarif
  # Create an issue to azu/example-repo with "security" labels
  $ GITHUB_TOKEN=xxx npx @security-alert/sarif-to-issue output.sarif --title "Example Issue" --owner azu --repo codeql-scan-example --sarifContentOwner azu --sarifContentRepo codeql-scan-example --sarifContentBranch master ./test/fixtures/xss.sarif  --labels "security" 


See Releases page.

Running tests

Install devDependencies and Run npm test:

npm test


Pull requests and stars are always welcome.

For bugs and feature requests, please create an issue.

  1. Fork it!
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Submit a pull request :D



MIT © azu