
SecuX Hardware Wallet BTC API

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<script type="module">
  import secuxAppBtc from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@secux/app-btc';


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SecuX Hardware Wallet BTC API


import { SecuxBTC, ScriptType } from "@secux/app-btc";

First, create instance of ITransport.


  1. Get address by purpose and script type.

    • tweaked key-spend only address (default script: P2TR)
      const path = "m/86'/0'/0'/0/0";
      const address = await device.getAddress(path);
      // transfer data to hardware wallet by custom transport layer.
      const data = SecuxBTC.prepareAddress(path);
      const response = await device.Exchange(data);
      const address = SecuxBTC.resolveAddress(response, path);
    • native segwit address (default script: P2WPKH)
      const address = await device.getAddress("m/84'/0'/0'/0/0");
    • segwit address (default script: P2SH_P2WPKH)
      const address = await device.getAddress("m/49'/0'/0'/0/0");
    • legacy address (default script: P2PKH)
      const address = await device.getAddress("m/44'/0'/0'/0/0");
  2. For bitcoin ecosystem, you can use specific cointype by the coin.

    • native segwit address for dogecoin
      const address = await device.getAddress("m/84'/3'/0'/0/0");
    • segwit address for litecoin
      const address = await device.getAddress("m/49'/2'/0'/0/0");
    • legacy address for bitcoincash
      const address = await device.getAddress("m/44'/145'/0'/0/0");
    • you can refer to here for cointype.
  3. Sign transaction.

const inputs = [
        hash: "0b062e71e165fba9634d9fb1b5ba703e774bf374815b1f5a617c8d1e7d43dc01",
        vout: 0,
        // optional, give raw transaction data for checking
        txHex: "0100000001b103a004f672080ceae8277e83c296b5ac090ae78157979211da3e2d41399d1b010000006b483045022100f19d88e6a17789dc399ff2a93b4516bb44af32928d4986138f1a4f7f37ab277b022046fc14c958bc8aa97fea1d2fbf80982534cf51634d46c4d5178e5ca6698bca07012102f8667cfb5b80c3695e3f0c9078589cb04e8d15e71bdae89ebf24b82f9d663d5cffffffff02bc020000000000001976a9145c592f40134c6179a1ce5b06b28d5c2ae443113188ac00040000000000001976a9146d65ced4ef49e23cdbb4be9d510b38e5be28e10688ac00000000",
        satoshis: 700,
        path: "m/44'/0'/0'/0/0",
        // for custom transport layer, each utxo need publickey.
        // publickey: "03aaeb52dd7494c361049de67cc680e83ebcbbbdbeb13637d92cd845f70308af5e"
        hash: "07ad0a13e501d292bc8b9e16a3a8b62f99f77ab9e37ea8d3b8453984a2899984",
        vout: 0,
        // optional, you can use specific script for each input
        // script: ScriptType.P2SH_P2PKH,
        satoshis: 6000,
        path: "m/49'/0'/0'/0/0",
        // for custom transport layer, each utxo need publickey.
        // publickey: "039b3b694b8fc5b5e07fb069c783cac754f5d38c3e08bed1960e31fdb1dda35c24"
        hash: "8686aee2b9dcf559798b9718ed26ca92e0c64bef11c433e576cae658678c497d",
        vout: 1,
        satoshis: 1083,
        path: "m/84'/0'/0'/1/0",
        // for custom transport layer, each utxo need publickey.
        // publickey: "03025324888e429ab8e3dbaf1f7802648b9cd01e9b418485c5fa4c1b9b5700e1a6"

const to = {
    address: "bc1qs0k3ekx0z7a7yuq3lse7prw373s8cr8lhxvccd",
    satoshis: 1500

const utxo = {
    path: "m/44'/0'/0'/0/0",
    satoshis: 6100,
    // for custom transport layer, each utxo need publickey.
    // publickey: "03aaeb52dd7494c361049de67cc680e83ebcbbbdbeb13637d92cd845f70308af5e"

const { raw_tx } = await device.sign(
    { to, utxo },
    // given feeRate to estimate fee, and fee will be changed if greater than estimated value or less than minimal fee.
    // { feeRate: 1 } 


// transfer data to hardware wallet by custom transport layer.
const { commandData, rawTx } = SecuxBTC.prepareSign(inputs, { to, utxo });
const rsp = await device.Exchange(commandData);
const signed = SecuxBTC.resloveTransaction(rsp, rawTx, inputs.map(x => x.publickey));

  1. Derive address from xpub, ypub, or zpub.

    • tweaked key-spend only address (default script: P2TR)
      // m/86'/0'/0'
      const xpub = "xpub6BgBgsespWvERF3LHQu6CnqdvfEvtMcQjYrcRzx53QJjSxarj2afYWcLteoGVky7D3UKDP9QyrLprQ3VCECoY49yfdDEHGCtMMj92pReUsQ";
      // m/86'/0'/0'/0/0
      const address = SecuxBTC.deriveAddress(xpub, 0, 0,
          // you can use specific coin
          // coin: CoinType.BITCOIN,
          script: ScriptType.P2TR
    • native segwit address (default script: P2WPKH)
      // m/84'/0'/0'
      const zpub = "zpub6rFR7y4Q2AijBEqTUquhVz398htDFrtymD9xYYfG1m4wAcvPhXNfE3EfH1r1ADqtfSdVCToUG868RvUUkgDKf31mGDtKsAYz2oz2AGutZYs";
      // m/84'/0'/0'/0/0
      const address = SecuxBTC.deriveAddress(zpub, 0, 0,
          // you can use specific coin and script
          // coin: CoinType.DOGECOIN,
          // script: ScriptType.P2WPKH
    • segwit address (default script: P2SH_P2WPKH)
      // m/49'/0'/1'
      const ypub = "ypub6Ww3ibxVfGzLtJR4F9SRBicspAfvmvw54yern9Q6qZWFC9T6FYA34K57La5Sgs8pXuyvpDfEHX5KNZRiZRukUWaVPyL4NxA69sEAqdoV8ve";
      // m/49'/0'/1'/0/1
      const address = SecuxBTC.deriveAddress(ypub, 0, 1);
    • legacy address (default script: P2PKH)
      // m/44'/0'/0'
      const xpub = "xpub6BosfCnifzxcFwrSzQiqu2DBVTshkCXacvNsWGYJVVhhawA7d4R5WSWGFNbi8Aw6ZRc1brxMyWMzG3DSSSSoekkudhUd9yLb6qx39T9nMdj";
      // m/44'/0'/0'/1/0
      const address = SecuxBTC.deriveAddress(xpub, 1, 0);
  2. Estimate transaction size

const size = SecuxBTC.getVirtualSize(
    // your inputs
    // your outputs

API Reference

BTC package for SecuX device

Kind: global class

SecuxBTC.prepareAddress ⇒ communicationData

Prepare data for address generation.

Returns: communicationData - data for sending to device

Param Type Description
path string BIP32 path, ex: m/44'/0'/0'/0/0
[option] AddressOption for path validation

SecuxBTC.addressConvert(publickey, path) ⇒ string

Convert publickey to BTC address.

Returns: string - address

Param Type Description
publickey string | Buffer secp256k1 publickey (hex string or buffer)
path string | PathObject BIP32 path, ex: m/44'/0'/0'/0/0

SecuxBTC.resolveAddress(response, path) ⇒ string

Generate address from response data.

Returns: string - address

Param Type Description
response communicationData data from device
path string | PathObject BIP32 path, ex: m/44'/0'/0'/0/0

SecuxBTC.preparePublickey(path, [option]) ⇒ communicationData

Prepare data for secp256k1 publickey.

Returns: communicationData - data for sending to device

Param Type Description
path string BIP32 path, ex: m/44'/0'/0'/0/0
[option] AddressOption for path validation

SecuxBTC.resolvePublickey(response) ⇒ string

Resolve secp256k1 publickey from response data.

Returns: string - secp256k1 publickey (hex string)

Param Type Description
response communicationData data from device

SecuxBTC.prepareXPublickey(path) ⇒ communicationData

Prepare data for extended publickey generation.

Returns: communicationData - data for sending to device

Param Type Description
path string BIP32 path, ex: m/44'/0'/0'/0/0

SecuxBTC.resolveXPublickey(response, path) ⇒ string

Generate extended publickey from response data.

Returns: string - extended publickey (xpub, ypub or zpub)

Param Type Description
response communicationData data from device
path string BIP32 path, ex: m/44'/0'/0'/0/0

SecuxBTC.prepareSign(inputs, outputs, [option]) ⇒ prepared

Prepare data for signing.

Param Type Description
inputs txInput array of utxo object
outputs txOutput output object
[option] SignOption

SecuxBTC.resolveSignatureList(response) ⇒ Array.<string>

Reslove signature from response data.

Returns: Array.<string> - signature array of hex string

Param Type Description
response communicationData data from device

SecuxBTC.resolveTransaction(response, unsigned, publickeys, [coin]) ⇒ string

Serialize transaction wtih signature for broadcasting.

Returns: string - signed raw transaction

Param Type Description
response communicationData data from device
unsigned string unsigned raw transaction
publickeys Array.<communicationData> secp256k1 publickey correspond to each input
[coin] CoinType default: CoinType.BITCOIN

SecuxBTC.deriveAddress(xpub, change, addressIndex, [option]) ⇒ string

Derive xpub and generate BTC address.

Returns: string - address

Param Type Description
xpub string extended publickey (base58 encoded), depth must be 3
change number BIP44 change field
addressIndex number BIP44 address_index field
[option] AddressOption for address generation

SecuxBTC.getVirtualSize(inputs, outputs) ⇒ number

Estimate virtual size of transaction.

Returns: number - virtual size

Param Type
inputs Array.<ScriptType>
outputs Array.<ScriptType>



Name Type Description
path string BIP32 path refer to utxo
publickey string | Buffer scep256k1 publickey from path
hash string referenced transaction hash
vout number referenced transaction output index
satoshis number referenced transaction output amount
[script] ScriptType script type related to path
[txHex] string referenced raw transaction for validation



Name Type Description
to txOutputAddress | txOutputScriptExtened receiving address information
[utxo] txOutputScriptExtened changes



Name Type Description
[coin] CoinType enum
[feeRate] number base fee per vbyte



Name Type Description
address string receiving address
satoshis number receiving amount



Name Type Description
path string BIP32 path
publickey string | Buffer scep256k1 publickey from path
satoshis number amount
[script] ScriptType script type related to path



Name Type Description
commandData communicationData data for sending to device
rawTx string unsigned raw transaction



Name Type Description
coin CoinType enum
script ScriptType enum



Name Type Description
[coin] CoinType enum
[script] ScriptType enum

© 2018-21 SecuX Technology Inc.
