
Have you ever been in need of suppressing console logs? Have you thought of a tool that can help you suppress logs based on type, caller, level, or anything else that I cannot think of? Or maybe you DO NOT want to disable a log but want to throttle it! And what if you just want to watch for occurrence of a log? You can use this tool to have your application do all of that and maybe a bit more!

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import sedehSmartConsole from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@sedeh/smart-console';


Welcome to Smart Console!

Have you ever been in need of suppressing console logs? Have you thought of a tool that can help you suppress logs based on type, caller, level, or anything else that I cannot think of? Or maybe you DO NOT want to disable a log but want to throttle it! And what if you just want to watch for occurrence of a log? You can use this tool to have your application do all of that and maybe a bit more!

NOTE: http related 403, 500, ... logs are issued natively by zon.js as a result they are out of JavaScript reach and this tool do not have any control over them.

I appreciate comments and ideas to make this tool versatile.

Live Demo | Source code | Comments/Requests

How to use?

Inject the SmartConsoleService and give it the criteria you have for your application and let it all flow the way you have envisioned it.

Method arguments Description
makeSmartLogs options Will override console log with given options. You could set-up options in your environment variables and call this method to set your logs based on deployment stage. Or set-up any one of the option attributes at any-time. But remember that the setting is global per application.
redirectedOutput - Will return event emitter that emits logs if redirectOutput flag of options is set.
markupTrace event Will mark-up stack trace from list of plain text to a list of click-able links.
addWatch key Will watch for existence of a particular key in a log.
removeWatch key Will remove a key from watch list. It will be wise to remove subscriptions to this key before calling this method.
clearWatch - Will clear watch list. To avoid leaks, it will be wise to keep a record of your subscriptions and pass them to this method to unsubscribe them for you.


SmartOptions {
    emitOutput?: boolean,   // log result in to output instead of console.
    logAfterEmit?: boolean, // continue logging into browser console after emitting the log
    logDisabled?: boolean,  // disables all log level console logs
    infoDisabled?: boolean, // disables all info level console logs
    warnDisabled?: boolean, // disables all warn level console logs
    errorDisabled?: boolean,// disables all error level console logs
    tableDisabled?: boolean,// disables all table console logs
    traceDisabled?: boolean,// disables all trace level console logs
    exceptionDisabled?: boolean, // disables all exception level console logs
    debugDisabled?: boolean,// disables all debug level console logs
    assertDisabled?:boolean,// disables assert logs on console
    downGrade?: boolean,    // downgrade a log from warning to info or log to warning, or error to log.
    upgrade?: boolean,      // upgrades a log from info to warning or warning to log, or log to error
    upscale?: boolean,      // shows additional info on each log
    throttleOn?: number,    // block logs less than provided message level (e.g., level_3 or level_5) in a log
    blockCaller?: any[],    // blocks the caller
    suppress?: any[],       // blocks per a keyword
    filter?: any[]          // will eliminate any log that is not in the filter list. void if list 
                            // is empty or undefined. opposit of suppress. if supplied, suppress will 
                            // only be effective when one of the keywords has passed filtering and 
                            // another keyword in the same log is in suppress list. Filter applies
                            // to all logs.


import { SmartConsoleService } from '@sedeh/smart-console';
import { environment } from '../../environments/environment';

    // Example of configuring log service based on environment where 
    // options is configured. Alternatively, options could be defined 
    // locally in app component instead of environment.
    constructor(private smartService: SmartConsoleService) {
    // Example of providing listener if emitOutput of 
    // options is configure as true.
        (event) => {

    // Example of adding a watch on logs
    const sbc = this.smartService
                        (event) => {
                        // do something with the event
    // maybe onDestroy or somewhere else you need to clear the watch list.

    // Example for throttling logs if throttleOn of options
    // is configured to 5, then all logs less than or equal to
    // level_5 will be blocked (the order of 'level_' location in 
    // log is not important but if it is first, will be noticeable)
    console.log('level_3', 'message that may not be as important', 'additional info');
    console.log('level_6', 'message that may be important', 'additional info');
    console.info('level_6', 'message that may be important', 'additional info');
    console.trace('level_5', 'message that may or may not be as important', 'additional info');
    console.warn('level_5', 'message that may or may not be as important', 'additional info');


Version Description
2.0.0 Updated to Angular 8.
1.2.4 Fixed issue raised as a result of solving issue 1 on github.
1.2.2 Added filtering option as per requested in issue 1 on github.
1.2.1 Updated Readme file.
1.2.0 Added throttling option in logs.
1.1.2 Added debug and exception methods.
1.1.1 Fixed the watch code if a JSON is logged.
1.1.0 Added watch methods to make it possible for knowing if log is performed containing a particular key.
1.0.4 break lines on trace for Safari.
1.0.3 Fixed issues on Safari and IE11 browsers.
1.0.2 Added functionality to convert stack trace to a link.
1.0.1 Added functionality to log to console after emitting it.
1.0.0 initial functionality.

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