
Screenshot testing in browser.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import selfageScreenshotTestMatcher from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@selfage/screenshot_test_matcher';




npm install @selfage/screenshot_test_matcher


Written in TypeScript and compiled to ES6 with inline source map & source. See @selfage/tsconfig for full compiler options. Provides assertion on screenshots while generating/deleting diff files directly in browser context. It needs to be executed by @selfage/puppeteer_test_executor or @selfage/bundler_cli, which leverages Puppeteer to launch a browser page.

Basic usage

import { asyncAssertScreenshot } from '@selfage/screenshot_test_matcher';

async function main(): Promise<void> {
  // Append some img to body.
  document.body.style.margin = "0";
  document.body.style.padding = "0";
  let img = document.createElement("img");
  let loaded = new Promise<void>((resolve) => {
    img.onload = () => {
  img.src = ...
  await loaded;

  // Assert screenshot
  await asyncAssertScreenshot(

The actual screenshot will be written to the actual/file/path.png. It will be deleted, if assertion succeeded. Otherwise, a diff file will also be written to diff/file/path.png. The file path is a relative path whose base path is provided when executed by @selfage/puppeteer_test_executor or @selfage/bundler_cli.

Advanced options

  await asyncAssertScreenshot(
      // Default to 500ms. to wait for page to be stable before taking screenshot.
      delay: 500,
      // Default to false. Whether to take screenshot for the full page.
      fullPage: true,
      // The quality of the image, between 0-100. Not applicable to png images.
      quality: 80,
      // Default to 0.1. Range from 0 to 1. Smaller values make the comparison more sensitive.
      threshold: .1;
      // A list of rectangle areas to be excluded from comparison.
      excludedAreas: [{
        x: 10,
        y: 20,
        width: 100,
        height: 200