
Lottie Animation Component for Angular apps

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import sentinelOneS1Lottie from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@sentinel-one/s1-lottie';


Lottie Animation Component

npm version License

Lottie Animation Wrapper Component for Angular 7 or higher. no ionic support.

(Originally forked from: fivethree-team/lottie, this fork is independent and can't get updated in front of forked origin )

📦 Installation

TBD as ng add soon

npm i @sentinel-one/s1-lottie lottie-web --save

🔨 Usage

Import the module into your root application module:

import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { LottieModule } from '@sentinel-one/s1-lottie';

    imports: [
export class AppModule {}

🦄 Animation

Add the lottie component to your template:


You need to setup the lottieParams in your component:

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { S1LottieConfig } from '@sentinel-one/s1-lottie';
import { AnimationItem } from 'lottie-web';

  selector: 'app-home',
  templateUrl: 'home.page.html',
  styleUrls: ['home.page.scss'],
export class HomePage {

  lottieParams: S1LottieConfig = {
    path: 'assets/lottie/empty_box.json',
    renderer: 'canvas',
    loop: true

  onAnimationCreated(animation: AnimationItem) {

Save your lottie files in the assets folder and change the path param, this way they are copied when building your application.

** We also support dynamic loading of new animation files, e.g:

  changeAnimation() {
    this.lottieParams = {
      path: 'assets/lottie/s1_test.json'
    setTimeout(()=> {
      this.lottieParams = {
        path: 'assets/lottie/s1_logo.json'
    }, 600)


  • width: number - if not specified, the player will take 100% of its host.
  • height: if not specified, the player will take 100% of its host.
  • options: of type S1LottieConfig mandatory for setting the Lottie player configuration.
  • optimize: boolean, if true, will load the lottie instance animation outside of Angular zone to escape change detection, for better performance.


We'll be happy to get issues/PRs/ from you, please review the TODO.md for future planning and follow the CONTRIBUTING.md.

Internal (requires permissions): build and publish to npm:

  • To build before publishing run: npm run build:prod:plugin
  • publish from dist/@sentinel-one/s1-lottie (npm publish --access public)