
Future and ResultFuture library for ReasonML

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import seprichReFuture from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@seprich/re-future';



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ReasonML library to provide Future and ResultFuture monads as an alternative to Js.Promise.

Special focus has been given to provide complete and yet compact set of utility functions to work with both Future and ResultFuture entities. Besides test coverage this library also contains a very basic memory performance test to ensure that memory gets freed (garbage collected) when Future has used the binded functions and evaluation is done.


npm install @seprich/re-future

Edit to bsconfig.json:

"bs-dependencies": [..., "@seprich/re-future", ...],

Future & ReasonFuture

This library contains two modules Future and ResultFuture. The Future is the most simple unit of evaluable value which presumably resolves at some point in the future. ResultFuture is a future that eventually contains Belt.Result.t result inside. This is the most useful replacement for Js.Promise because Js.Promise also contains the possibility of resolving to Ok value or rejection to Error value.

This library is namespaced; to simplify access do:

module ResultFuture = SeprichReFuture.ResultFuture;

or if you need both at the same time:

open SeprichReFuture;

Module Future

type t('a);  // Future.t('a) evaluates to type 'a value in future.


  • make - Create a Future with callback e.g.:
    /* Resolves to "value" after 1 second: */
    let future = Future.make(setter => Js.Global.setTimeout(() => setter("value"), 1000) |> ignore);
  • fromValue - Directly e.g.:
    let future = Future.fromValue("example");   /* simple, evaluates on creation. */


  • toPromise - To promise - resulted promise is always success:
    Future.fromValue(42) |> Future.toPromise |> Js.Promise.then_(value => { Js.log(value); Js.Promise.resolve(()) }) |> ignore;

Effect functions do not affect the value of the future

  • effect - Simple side effect function such as logging e.g.
    let future: Future.t(string) = /* ... implementation */
    future                                      /* e.g. evaluates to "test" */
    -> Future.effect(value => Js.log(value))    /* does not affect value */
    -> Future...                                /* still evaluates to "test" */
  • waitEffect - Async side effect which must be waited upon before continuing e.g.
    let longProcess: string => Future.t(unit) = /* ... implementation */
    future                                      /* e.g. evaluates to "test" */
    -> Future.waitEffect(value => longProcess(value))
    -> Future...                                /* still evaluates to "test" */
  • get - Operate with final results e.g.
    -> Future.get(value => Js.log(value));      /* Final operation */


  • flatMap bind a function that returns a Future into Future:
    let processing: string => Future.t(string) = /* ... implementation */
    -> Future.flatMap(processing)
    -> Future...  /* value is now whatever was created by `processing` from the initial value */
  • map e.g.:
    future.fromValue("Simple Example")
    -> Future.map(Js.String.toUpperCase)
    -> Future.get(Js.log)               /* -> "simple example" */

Combining Futures

  • all - List of Futures to Future of List:
    Future.all([future1, future2, future3])
    -> Future.get([value1, value2, value3] => /* ... values evaluated from the list of futures */);
  • combine2 ... combine8 - Combine heterogenously typed futures into a Future containing a tuple of values.
    Future.combine2((future1, future2))
    -> Future.get((value1, value2) => /* different kind of values from each future */)

Module ResultFuture

type gt('a, 'e);          // Generic type of ResultFuture, where 'a is ok value type and 'e error value type
type t('a) = gt('a, exn); // ResultFuture.t where error type is exn (recommended for typical usage)

Most of the functions in the module ResultFuture are typed with the gt type in order to allow maximal flexibility. However it is recommended that when using this lib the type t would be preferred.


  • make - Using callbacks:
    let resultFuture = ResultFuture.make((_resolve, reject) => {
      Js.Global.setTimeout(() => reject(Failure("oh noes")), 1000);
    });  /* A ResultFuture which resolves into error after 1 second */
  • fromValue:
    -> ResultFuture.getOk(Js.log)  /* "42" */
  • fromError:
    -> ResultFuture.getError(Js.log)  /* outputs error to the console */
  • fromResult:
    -> ResultFuture.getOk(Js.log)  /* "check" */


  • fromJsPromiseDefault:
    let promise = Js.Promise.resolve("quick and dirty");
    -> ResultFuture.fromJsPromiseDefault
    -> ResultFuture.getOk(Js.log)  /* "quick and dirty" */
    let promiseErr = Js.Promise.reject(Failure("oh no"))
    -> ResultFuture.fromJsPromiseDefault
    -> ResultFuture.getError(Js.log)
  • toJsPromiseDefault:
    -> ResultFuture.toJsPromiseDefault
    -> Js.Promise.then_(value => /* do things */)
  • fromFutureResult: Future.t(Belt.Result.t('a, 'e)) => ResultFuture.gt('a, 'e)
  • toFutureResult: ResultFuture.gt('a, 'e) => Future.t(Belt.Result.t('a, 'e))

Effect functions do not affect the value

  • effectOk, effectError, effectResult - execute simple side effect function. Similar to Future.effect. See src/ResultFuture.rei for signatures and unit tests for usage examples.
  • waitEffectOk, waitEffectError, waitEffectResult - Similar to Future.waitEffect. See src/ResultFuture.rei for signatures and unit tests for usage examples.
  • getOk
  • getError
  • getResult


  • flatMapOk
  • flatMapError
  • flatMapResult
  • mapOk
  • mapError
  • mapOkResult
  • mapErrorResult
  • mapResult

Combining ResultFutures

  • allOk
  • allToFuture
  • combineOk2 ... combineOk8
  • mapResult2 ... mapResult8