A Node.js client for working with ServerlessQueue. Use this only if there isn't a premade adapter for the framework you are using.
Getting Started
npm install --save @serverless-queue/nodejs
- Create a client using your secret token from ServerlessQueue
import Client from "@serverless-queue/nodejs"
const client = new Client("secret token here")
- Enqueue a job
// this will be useful for viewing analytics about your jobs
const queueName = "anything/you/want"
// the data your job needs to operate, can be any javascript object
const jobPayload = { key: value }
// the callback url to use to handle the job
const callbackUrl = ""
await client.enqueue({ queueName, jobPayload, callbackUrl })
- Handle the callback request and perform the job
// depending on the framework you are using this will be different
// but you'll need some way to receive incoming requests to a specific endpoint'/api/queues/queue-name', (req, res) => {
const webhookSignature = req.headers['sq-webhook-signature']
const entryId = req.headers['sq-entry-id']
const rawPayload = req.body
// verify the request is coming from
const jobPayload = client.verifyAndDecrypt(rawPayload, webhookSignature)
if(!jobPayload) {
res.status(401).json("{error: 'invalid signature'}")
// setup a heartbeat so we know you are still working on the job
// 30 seconds is a good amount of time as we assume failure after 1 minute
// each heartbeat extends the life of the job for another minute
const heartbeat = setInterval(async () => {
await client.heartbeat(entryId)
}, 30000)
// actually do the job using data in jobPayload
// acknowledge that the job was succesfully completed so we do not retry
// stop the heartbeat
End-to-End Encryption
Serverless Queue supports encrypting the job payload data so that our servers never have access to potentially sensitive information. To enable this feature simply set a 32 character encryption key using the environment variable SERVERLESS_QUEUE_ENCRYPTION_KEY
and the client library will automatically encrypt and decrypt the payload using this key.