
Instantly deploy and manage your S3 buckets with Serverless Components. Supports acceleration as well as file & directory uploads.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import serverlessAwsS3 from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@serverless/aws-s3';



Instantly deploy and manage your S3 buckets with Serverless Components. Supports acceleration as well as file & directory uploads.


  1. Install
  2. Create
  3. Configure
  4. Deploy
  5. Upload


1. Install

$ npm install -g serverless

2. Create

Just create a serverless.yml file

$ touch serverless.yml
$ touch .env      # your AWS api keys
# .env

3. Configure

# serverless.yml

  component: "@serverless/aws-s3"
    accelerated: false # default is true. Enables upload acceleartion for the bucket
    region: us-east-1
      - AllowedHeaders:
        - "*"
        - PUT
        - POST
        - DELETE
        - http://www.example.com
        MaxAgeSeconds: 3000

4. Deploy

$ serverless

5. Upload

If you're using this component programmatically within another component, you could also easily upload files and/or directories to your bucket.

const bucket = await this.load('@serverless/aws-s3')

// deploy
await bucket({
  accelerated: true

// upload directory
await bucket.upload({ dir: './my-files' })

// upload file
await bucket.upload({ file: './my-file.txt' })

Cache-control headers can also be set:

// upload directory, setting cache-control headers
await bucket.upload({ dir: './my-files', cacheControl: 'max-age=86400' })

// upload file, setting cache-control header
await bucket.upload({ file: './my-file.txt', cacheControl: 'max-age=86400' })

For a full example on how this component could be used, take a look at how the website component is using it.


New to Components?

Checkout the Serverless Components repo for more information.