
Powerful Serverless Utilities

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import serverlessAwsSdk from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@serverless/aws-sdk';


Serverless AWS SDK

The aws sdk + powerful high-level serverless utils.

// require the serverless aws sdk.
const aws = require(`@serverless/aws-sdk`)

// set credentials, as usual.
  credentials: { accessKeyId: 'xxx', secretAccessKey: 'xxx' },
  region: 'us-east-1'

// use any service, as usual.
const s3 = new aws.S3()

// use some powerful utils. More info below.
const certificate = await aws.utils.deployCertificate(params)



Deploys a CloudFront distribution domain by adding the domain to the distribution and deploying the certificate and DNS records.

const params = {
  domain: 'serverless.com',
  distributionId: 'xxx'

const {
} = await aws.utils.deployDistributionDomain(params)


Deploys a free ACM certificate for the given domain.

const params = {
  domain: 'serverless.com'

const { certificateArn, certificateStatus, domainHostedZoneId } = await aws.utils.deployCertificate(


Deploys a DNS records for a distribution domain.

const params = {
  domain: 'serverless.com',
  distributionUrl: 'xxx.cloudfront.net'

const { domainHostedZoneId } = await aws.utils.deployDistributionDns(params)


Adds a domain or subdomain to a CloudFront Distribution.

const params = {
  domain: 'serverless.com',
  certificateArn: 'xxx:xxx',
  certificateStatus: 'ISSUED'

const { domainHostedZoneId } = await aws.utils.addDomainToDistribution(params)


Fetches the hosted zone id for the given domain.

const params = {
  domain: 'serverless.com'

const { domainHostedZoneId } = await aws.utils.getDomainHostedZoneId(params)


Updates or creates the given role name with the given service & policy. You can specify an inline policy:

const params = {
  name: 'my-role',
  service: 'lambda.amazonaws.com',
  policy: [
      Effect: 'Allow',
      Action: ['sts:AssumeRole'],
      Resource: '*'
      Effect: 'Allow',
      Action: ['logs:CreateLogGroup', 'logs:CreateLogStream'],
      Resource: '*'
const { roleArn } = await aws.utils.deployRole(params)

Or you can specify the policy as a maanged policy arn string:

const params = {
  name: 'my-role',
  service: 'lambda.amazonaws.com',
  policy: 'arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole'
const { roleArn } = await aws.utils.deployRole(params)

If you don't specify a policy property, an admin policy will be created by default.


Removes the given role and all its attached managed and inline policies.

const params = {
  name: 'my-role'

await aws.utils.removeRole(params)


Removes all attached managed and inline policies for the given role.

const params = {
  name: 'my-role'

await aws.utils.removeRolePolicies(params)


Updates a lambda if it exists, otherwise creates a new one.

const lambdaParams = {
  lambdaName: 'my-lambda', // required
  roleArn: 'aws:iam:role:arn:xxx', // required
  lambdaSrc: 'path/to/lambda/directory' // required. could also be a buffer of a zip file
  memory: 512 // optional, along with the other lambda config
  vpcConfig: // optional, specify a VPC
      - sg-xxx
      - subnet-xxx
      - subnet-xxx

const { lambdaArn, lambdaSize, lambdaSha } = await aws.utils.deployLambda(params)


Deploys the DNS records for an Api Gateway V2 HTTP custom domain

const lambdaParams = {
  domain: 'serverless.com', // required. The custom domain you'd like to configure.
  apigatewayHostedZoneId: 'qwertyuiop', // required. The regional hosted zone id of the APIG custom domain
  apigatewayDomainName: 'd-qwertyuiop.xxx.com' // required. The regional endpoint of the APIG custom domain

const { domainHostedZoneId } = await aws.utils.deployApigDomainDns(params)


Updates or creates an AppSync API

const deployAppSyncApiParams = {
  apiName: 'my-api',
  apiId: 'xxx' // if provided, updates the API. If not provided, creates a new API

const { apiId, apiUrls } = await aws.utils.deployAppSyncApi(params)


Updates or creates an AppSync Schema

const deployAppSyncSchemaParams = {
  apiId: 'xxx', // the targeted api id
  schema: '...' // valid graphql schema

await aws.utils.deployAppSyncApi(params)


Updates or creates AppSync Resolvers

const deployAppSyncResolversParams = {
  roleName: 'my-role', // name of the role that provides access for these resources to the required resources
  resolvers: {
    Query: {
      getPost: {
        lambda: 'getPost' // name of the lambda function to use as a resolver for the getPost field
    Mutation: {
      putPost: {
        lambda: 'putPost'

await aws.utils.deployAppSyncResolvers(params)