
Translate component that will translate an entire website using Googles Website translator service.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import servicenswTranslate from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@servicensw/translate';



Translate component that will translate an entire website using Googles Website translator service.

translate component

Service NSW package documentation and examples
(Login credentials required)


npm install @servicensw/translate --save-dev

How to use


  • PostCSS workflow: @import '@servicensw/translate';
  • Sass/Eyeglass: @import 'servicensw-translate';
  • Native CSS: @import url('dist/translate.css');
  • Link tag: <link href="dist/translate.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">


  • Vanilla JS / ES6: import '@servicensw/translate';
  • Script tag: <script src="dist/translate.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

Vanilla JS is called on DOMContentLoaded for all .translate elements.

Alternatively, initialise it manually for a specific HTML element:

const translateElement = document.querySelector('.translate');
const translate = new SNSW.Translate(translateElement);


<div class="translate"></div>