
This example explores using the new Github actions CI functionality for continuous testing & release

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import sethvincentExampleGithubActionsNode from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@sethvincent/example-github-actions-node';


Github Actions node example

This example explores using the new Github actions CI functionality for continuous testing & release.


  • tests and linter are run on every push event
  • tests and linter are also run on every release event
  • if the release action is published and the tests and linter step passes, the module is published to npm

Release process

  • Create a git tag on the master branch using npm version major|minor|patch
  • Push the tag and the version commit to the repo with git push && git push --tags
  • Create a release for that tag through the Github UI
  • Github Actions will then run the release workflow and publish the module at that tag

Ideas for improvements

  • Creating a git tag could be triggered by an external event, such as an event created by a chat bot
  • Automatically put together release notes based on the contents of a CHANGELOG.md file


Secret npm token

Create a secret env var called NPM_AUTH_TOKEN that has an authentication token from npm.

Follow Github's instructions for creating and using secrets to add NPM_AUTH_TOKEN.