
The base JavaScript API of the Guacamole project, providing JavaScript support for the Guacamole stack, including a full client implementation for the Guacamole protocol.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import sfarmGuacamoleCommonJs from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@sfarm/guacamole-common-js';


Guacamole Common JavaScript library

The Guacamole project provides a JavaScript API for interfacing with other components that conform to the design of Guacamole, such as projects using libguac or guacamole-common. This API is called guacamole-common-js.

guacamole-common-js provides a JavaScript implementation of a Guacamole client, as well as tunneling mechanisms for getting protocol data out of JavaScript and into guacd or the server side of a web application.

For convenience, it also provides mouse and keyboard abstraction objects that translate JavaScript mouse, touch, and keyboard events into consistent data that Guacamole can more easily digest. The extendable on-screen keyboard that was developed for the Guacamole web application is also included.

View guacamole-common-js documentation


Provide library from original sources in more pretty format: as ES-module and Common JS package.


You can install guacamole-common-js with npm:

npm install --save @sofarm/guacamole-common-js


In building used original sources (without Namespace.js) from public repository and custom index.js. Before publishing it you should apply transformation by jscodeshift:

npm run transform

After it you can build it by Rollup:

npm run build


This project is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 - see the LICENSE file for details