
Please note, this module makes use of the --harmony_async_await flag of node

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import shipperFastway from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@shipper/fastway';



Please note, this module makes use of the --harmony_async_await flag of node

You must register an implementation of promise-any to use this module



We want to be able to validate our requests, to do this we use [https://spacetelescope.github.io/understanding-json-schema/](JSON Schema)

We need a definition file to to this, it is defined as

const definition = {
  "<controller>": {
    "<version>": {
      "<action>": {
         /* Definition */
         "type": "object"

You can see an example definition in the root directory of this module

If you don't want to use a definition file you will just need to use invokeWithVersion or getControllerVersioned



Returns an instance of Fastway

const Definition = require('./fastway-definition.json'),
    Fastway = require('@shipper/fastway').init(Definition);

Fastway.invoke(context, controller, action, data)

Invokes the given action, the highest API version for the controller will be used

async function getConsignmentsForManifest(context, manifestID) {
    const response = Fastway.invoke(context, 'FastLabel', 'ListConsignments', {
        ManifestID: manifestID
    return response.getResult();
const context = {
  apiKey: 'Provided by Fastway',
  url: 'http://nz.api.fastway.org/' // Your country specific url

Fastway.invokeWithVersion(context, version, controller, action, data)

Same as above, except we will use an explicit API version

async function getConsignmentsForManifest(context, manifestID) {
    const response = Fastway.invokeWithVersion(context, 'v2', 'FastLabel', 'ListConsignments', {
        ManifestID: manifestID
    return response.getResult();
const context = {
  apiKey: 'Provided by Fastway',
  url: 'http://nz.api.fastway.org/' // Your country specific url


You can explicitly define a controller and action if you wish, this is essentially the same as invokeWithVersion

Fastway.getControllerVersioned(2, 'FastLabel')
            ManifestID: 1234
    .then(function(response) {


Copyright © 2016 Fabian Cook.

This module (@shipper/fastway) is licenced under the Apache 2.0 license. See the LICENSE file for details.