
Custom Property Analyzer is a tool for gathering statistics and identifying errors in css custom properties.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import shopifyCustomPropertyAnalyzer from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@shopify/custom-property-analyzer';


Custom Property Analyzer

Custom Property Analyzer is a tool for gathering statistics and identifying errors in css custom properties.

Table of Contents

  1. Installation and Usage
  2. Code of Conduct
  3. API
  4. Contributing
  5. Help

Installation and Usage

You can install using yarn or npm:

$ yarn add -D @shopify/custom-property-analyzer
$ npm install --save-dev @shopify/custom-property-analyzer

You can then run the executable:

$ ./node_modules/.bin/@shopify/custom-property-analyzer --pattern 'src/**/*.scss' -skip-errors true


CLI options

Option Type Default Description
-o, --output string Output location.
-e, --output-errors boolean true Include errors in output.
-C, --output-custom-properties boolean true Include custom properties in output.
-s, --output-stats boolean true Include stats in output.
-i, --input string Input directory for known custom properties. Expects an array of string.
-c, --custom-property-pattern string Regex to include custom properties.
-p, --pattern string "*/.css." Glob pattern to find files
-l, --log-level "verbose" | "info" | "error" | "never" "verbose" Determines the errors displayed. verbose will display everything. info will display everything except errors. error will only display errors. And never will not display any logs
-S, --skip-errors boolean false Determines if error analysis will be executed.
-v, --version Output the current version
-h, --help output usage information


// Default export
type AnalyzeCustomProperties = (
  options: Options,
) => Promise<[CustomPropertyMap, CustomPropertyMap, CustomPropertyStats]>;

interface Options {
   * List of properties that are expected to be found and used to filter properties that are found
   * @default []
  knownCustomProperties?: string[];
   * Regular expression used to validate properties
   * @default undefined
  customPropertyPattern?: string;
   * Glob pattern used to find files
   * css & scss files are supported
   * @default '**\/*.css.'
  pattern?: string;
   * Determines the errors displayed. `verbose` will display everything. `info` will display everything except errors.
   * `error` will only display errors. And `never` will not display any logs
   * @default 'verbose'
  logLevel?: LogLevel;
   * Determines if error analysis will be executed.
   * @default 'false'
  skipErrors?: boolean;

interface CustomPropertyStats {
  uniqueCustomProperties: number;
  totalCustomProperties: number;
  fileCount: number;

interface InputStreamPosition {
  cursor: number;
  line: number;
  column: number;

interface Location {
  file: string;
  start: InputStreamPosition;
  end: InputStreamPosition;

interface CustomPropertyMap {
  [key: string]: {
    declaration: boolean;
    usedFromDeclaration: boolean;
    count: number;
    locations: Location[];

Code of Conduct

Refer to the Code of Conduct documentation.


Refer to the Contributing documentation.


React out on slack or open an issue.