
An Angular Material package for entering and validating international telephone numbers. It adds a flag dropdown to any input, detects the user's country, displays a relevant placeholder and provides formatting/validation methods.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import shumihNgxMatIntlTelInput from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@shumih/ngx-mat-intl-tel-input';


International Telephone Input for Angular Material (NgxMatIntlTelInput)

An Angular Material package for entering and validating international telephone numbers. It adds a flag dropdown to any input, detects the user's country, displays a relevant placeholder and provides formatting/validation methods.


  • Angular 12
  • Angular Material 12
  • ReactiveFormsModule
  • FormsModule
  • Validation with libphonenumber-js


Install Dependencies

$ npm install libphonenumber-js --save

Install This Library

$ npm install @shumih/ngx-mat-intl-tel-input --save



Add NgxMatIntlTelInputModule to your module file:

imports: [


Refer to main app in this repository for working example.

<form #f="ngForm" [formGroup]="phoneForm">
  [preferredCountries]="['us', 'gb']"

<form #f="ngForm" [formGroup]="phoneForm">
  [preferredCountries]="['us', 'gb']"
  (countryChanged)="yourComponentMethodToTreatyCountryChangedEvent($event)" // $event is a instance of current select Country

If you want to show the sample number for the country selected or errors , use mat-hint anf mat-error as

<form #f="ngForm" [formGroup]="phoneForm">
    [preferredCountries]="['us', 'gb']"
    [onlyCountries]="['us', 'gb', 'es']"
    formControlName="phone" #phone></ngx-mat-intl-tel-input>
  <mat-hint>e.g. {{phone.selectedCountry.placeHolder}}</mat-hint>
  <mat-error *ngIf="f.form.controls['phone']?.errors?.required">Required Field</mat-error>
  <mat-error *ngIf="f.form.controls['phone']?.errors?.validatePhoneNumber">Invalid Number</mat-error>


Options Type Default Description
preferredCountries string[] [] List of country abbreviations, which will appear at the top.
onlyCountries string[] [] List of manually selected country abbreviations, which will appear in the dropdown.
inputPlaceholder string undefined Placeholder for the input component.
enablePlaceholder boolean true Input placeholder text, which adapts to the country selected.
enableSearch boolean false Whether to display a search bar to help filter down the list of countries
format string default Format of "as you type" input. Possible values: national, international, default

Library Contributions

  • Fork repo.
  • Go to ./projects/ngx-mat-intl-tel-input
  • Update ./src/lib with new functionality.
  • Update README.md
  • Pull request.

Helpful commands

  • Build lib: $ npm run build_lib
  • Copy license and readme files: $ npm run copy-files
  • Create package: $ npm run npm_pack
  • Build lib and create package: $ npm run package

Use locally

After building and creating package, you can use it locally too.

In your project run:

$ npm install --save {{path to your local '*.tgz' package file}}