
This package contains an implementation of the Sidetree ledger interface on the Ethereum ledger. It passes the test suite defined in @sidetree/ledger.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import sidetreeEthereum from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@sidetree/ethereum';



This package contains an implementation of the Sidetree ledger interface on the Ethereum ledger. It passes the test suite defined in @sidetree/ledger.


npm install --save @sidetree/ethereum


npm install
npm run test

Deploying the contract to live network (ropsten, mainnet, etc...)

  1. Fill in the values in .env for production use. Need:
  • funded mnemonic
  • rpc url (use infura)
  1. Check that truffle-config.js contains the network you want to deploy to
  2. npx truffle migrate --network ropsten