Provide a way to have DI from Sifodyas container into Functional Programing (or functional components)
$ yarn add @sifodyas/fp-di
$ npm install --save @sifodyas/fp-di
This Sifodyas plugin helps you using the container and the dependency injection in functional programing situations.
It can be used in React functional components or other non class based component from other frameworks or architecture choices.
// setup the plugin in your kernel
import { Container, Kernel } from '@sifodyas/sifodyas';
import { FunctionalDepencencyInjectorPass } from '@sifodyas/fp-di';
class MyKernel extends Kernel {
public build(container: Container) {
container.addCompilerPass(new FunctionalDepencencyInjectorPass());
Registering this compiler pass will setup an internal glbal container for the plugin to work.
Use case: we want to display a red outline if we are in debug mode.
import React from 'react';
import { withParameter } from '@sifodyas/fp-di';
const Comp = withParameter('kernel.debug')(({ parameter: isDebug }) => { // "isDebug" will be typed as boolean
const style = isDebug ? { style: { border: '1px solid red' } } : {};
return (<div {}>{ props.children }</div>)
import { injectParameter } from '@sifodyas/fp-di';
// in the injected function, every other arguments after the first one (where container's values are injected)
// are infer back into the type of the returned function.
const f = injectParameter((isDebug, something: string) => {
// use isDebug and render
}, 'kernel.debug');
// f will be now typed as: (something: string) => void
The plugin provides 3 ways of using the container: get
, inject
, with
. Each "way" works with parameters or services. Also, what you request will be typed if your mapping is properly set in you code (by augmenting Sifodyas).
Setup the container:
// for example purpose, we setup our own services and parameters
// into Sifodyas.
// In next code, Container boot phase is skipped, only type augmentation is shown
type MyService = { run(): void };
declare module '@sifodyas/sifodyas' {
// augment param key list with associated type
interface KernelParametersKeyType {
foo: number;
bar: string;
// augment service key list with associated type
interface ServicesKeyType {
baz: MyService;
qux: MyService
Get will just get what you need from the container and return it as is. It's more a locator/retriever than an injection.
const foo = getParameter('foo'); // typed as number
const [foo, bar] = getParameters('foo', 'bar'); // typed as number and string
getService('baz').run(); // because returned value is typed as MyService
getServices('baz', 'qux').forEach(s =>; // because returned value is typed as a tuple of [MyService, MyService]
Inject will bind a function to inject what you need in its first argument. The returned bound function will have every other arguments typed and extracted from the original function.
injectParameter(foo => {}, 'foo')(); // foo, inside the function, is typed as number
injectParameters(([foo, bar]) => {}, 'foo', 'bar')(); // foo ans bar, inside the function, are typed as number and string
injectService(baz => { }, 'baz')();
injectServices(([baz, qux]) => {;; }, 'baz', 'qux')();
With will act like an high order function and will hydrate the first argument object with a property containing what you requested.
withParameter('foo')(({parameter: foo}) => {})(); // the "parameter" property will be provided with the string value from foo
withParameters('foo', 'bar')(props => { const [foo, bar] = props.parameters; })(); // for multiple things, the "parameters" (plural) property will be stuffed
interface Props extends WithService {
data: string;
withService('baz')((props: Props) => {;
})({ data: 'Hello World!' });
interface Props extends WithServices {
data?: number;
withServices('baz', 'qux')<Props>(props => {
const [baz, qux] = props.parameters;;;