
Create normal/GraphQL APIs using sequelize/graphql-sequelize/express.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import sifrrApi from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@sifrr/api';


sifrr-api ยท npm version Doscify

[NOTE]: old version is deprecated

Please use typegraphql and typeorm with sifrr-api to build graphql apis using typescript.



Keeps track of graphql schema with versioning to keep track of when the api was changed. Much like db migrations. Ideally you will run this command whenever you change the graphql schema, and save the schemas in your version control system.

saveSchema(executableSchema, {
  schemaDir: path.resolve('./schema'), // directory path where schema files will be saved
  printOptions?: // options to be given to `printSchema` command of graphql