
A utility to setup an environment for development of native Node.js modules.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import sigmaDbNapi from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@sigma-db/napi';



NPM node version

This project eases the process of setting up an environment for developing native Node.js modules by fetching the correct architecture- and OS-specific header and library files as well as preparing the CMakeLists.txt acxcordingly.


Currently, this tool requires cmake and ninja to be in your PATH, as well as a working C/C++ toolchain.

  • On Windows, you can use the Visual Studio Build Tools which includes all required tools. In that case, make sure that you use the appropriate Tools Command Prompt for Visual Studio
  • On Linux and other UNIX-like environments, make sure to have cmake, ninja, clang/gcc and ld available in your PATH.


Run npm i -g @sigma-db/napi to install the napi CLI globally.


Assume we want to create and build a project named native.

  1. create the project and change into its directory by running napi new native && cd native.

  2. initialise the project by running napi init from within the project directory to automatically download the appropriate header and static library files.

  3. build the project by running napi build from within the project directory.

  4. test that requiring your native module actually works by running napi test from within the project directory. You should see an output like A project named "native" is growing here.

  5. clean any files generated during the build by running napi clean from within the project directory. Note that doing this will make CMake run again on the next build, considerably increasing the build time of the next build.

Changing the Node.js version

If you happen to change to version of Node.js, you will also require new header and static library files. In that case, run napi clean all, which will delete any previously downloaded header and library files, as well as any built files.


The current code was written in a single 16h session and might need quite some refactoring and more user-friendly error-handling — I'd love to see people contributing.