
signageOS command-line interface which helps you develop your applets locally and manage devices from terminal.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import signageosCli from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@signageos/cli';


CLI program

signageOS command-line interface which helps you develop your applets locally and manage devices from terminal.


npm install @signageos/cli -g
sos --help

User Interface

cli tool allows you to run commands interactively for best user experience, please use standard bash terminal on *nix systems and gitbash, run it in windows terminal.

API reference


Argument Description Default value
--api-url (optional) URL address to use for REST API ${SOS_API_URL~'https://api.signageos.io'}


sos login
  • Login account to allow use REST API commands
  • Logged account credentials are stored in ~/.sosrc file.
  • You override login credentials using environment variables SOS_API_IDENTIFICATION & SOS_API_SECURITY_TOKEN. Go to https://box.signageos.io/settings to generate the token.
Argument Description Default value
--username (required) Username or e-mail user for box STDIN


sos applet --help

Applet Generation

sos applet generate --name my-sample-applet
cd my-sample-applet
# Develop your applet with watching changes
npm start
# Build your applet production environment
npm run build
Argument Description Default value
--name (required) Name your applet STDIN
--version (optional) Initial version 0.0.0
--target-dir (optional) Generate applet project to directory ${PWD}/${name}
--npm-registry (optional) NPM registry URL (for private npm)

! Windows users note: There are unresolved issue with NPX tool on Windows clients when your username contains spaces (e.g.: John Doe). https://stackoverflow.com/a/58354623/4609457 To prevent this issue there is simple hotfix. Run following command in your Command Line (replace John with your real first name): Sometimes the Administrator privileges are required (Run as Administrator)

npm config set cache "C:\Users\John~1\AppData\Roaming\npm-cache" --global

Applet Upload

npm run upload
# Uploads all files in the applet directory
# Or alternatively you can use direct cli: `sos applet upload`

sos applet upload --applet-path=dist/index.html
# This will upload only the one specified file
# Rest of the files will be removed from our servers
  • If applet is not created yet, it will create it
  • The applet version is used from package.json
  • Applet UID will be stored in package.json sos.appletUid
  • You can use SOS_APPLET_UID as environment variable to specify appletUid to upload to (sos.appletUid of package.json will be overlooked).
  • You can use SOS_APPLET_VERSION as environment variable to specify applet version to upload to (version of package.json will be overlooked).
  • Ignore files priority (from top to bottom) .sosignore > .npmignore > .gitignore
  • Only one ignore file is used or non
Argument Description Default value
--applet-path (optional) Path of project directory ${PWD}
--entry-file-path (optional) Path of applet entry file ${PWD}/dist/index.html

Applet Start

sos applet start
  • It's meant to be used with applets not created using the cli
  • Doesn't have a hot reload at the moment
  • Default values work for applet created using the cli
Argument Description Default value
--port (optional) Port where the applet will run 8090
--applet-dir (optional) Root path of built applet ${PWD}/dist
--project-dir (optional) Root path of applet project directory ${PWD}
--entry-file-path (optional) Path of built applet entry file ${PWD}/dist/index.html

Applet Tests Upload

sos applet test upload
  • Upload all test files specified in package.json in sos.tests. The property is array of strings (relative paths to test files). E.g.: ["tests/sample.spec.js", "tests/sample2.spec.js"]
  • It removes files which are extra on server already
Argument Description Default value
--yes (optional) Skip interactive mode before it's uploaded false
--verbose (optional) Show detailed info about changed files false

Applet Tests Run

sos applet test run
  • Run test files uploaded to server remotely.
Argument Description Default value
--yes (optional) Skip interactive mode before it's uploaded false
--test (optional) Test files which should be run. If omitted, all test are run {all tests}


sos organization --help

Organization List

  • Output is printed to STDOUT as JSON
sos organization list

Organization Get

  • Output is printed to STDOUT as JSON
sos organization get
Argument Description Default value
--organization-uid (required) Organization UID STDIN

Organization Set Default

  • Sets default organization for current logged in account. This organization will be used for example in webpack plugin of applet to register emulator
sos organization set-default
Argument Description Default value
--organization-uid (required) Organization UID STDIN


sos timing --help

Timing List

  • Output is printed to STDOUT as JSON
sos timing list
Argument Description Default value
--organization-uid (required) Organization UID STDIN
--device-uid (required) Device UID STDIN


sos device --help

Device Power action

Perform specified power action on a device.

sos device power-action
Argument Description Default value
--organization-uid (required) Organization UID STDIN
--device-uid (required) Device UID STDIN
--type (required) Type of power-action STDIN
Device Power action types
Argument Description
reload Applet Reload
displayOn Display power On
displayOff Display power Of
restart Application restart
disable Applet disable
enable Applet enable
reboot System reboot
refresh Applet Refresh

Device Set-Content

sos device set-content
Argument Description Default value
--organization-uid (required) Organization UID STDIN
--device-uid (required) Device UID STDIN
--applet-uid (required) Applet UID STDIN

Device connect

sos device connect
# You will be provided with setting parameters
# You should build and upload applet to box before connecting applet to device 
# This upload all files in actual directory as multifile applet
Argument Description Default value
--ip (required) Ip address of computer in local network Automatically get from networkInterface
--device-uid (required) Uid of device from box' STDIN
--applet-dir (required) Directory of the applet project ${PWD}
--no-update-package-config (optional) Prevents updating package.json config when applet doesn't exists false


Clone the repository and install dev dependencies

git clone git@github.com:signageos/cli.git # or https://github.com/signageos/cli.git
npm install

To try sos command directly from source code, use ts-node src/index.ts instead of sos in project directory.

Global requirements

npm install ts-node -g