CLI program
signageOS command-line interface which helps you develop your applets locally and manage devices from terminal.
npm install @signageos/cli -g
sos --help
User Interface
cli tool allows you to run commands interactively for best user experience, please use standard bash terminal on *nix systems
and gitbash, run it in windows terminal.
API reference
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
--api-url (optional) |
URL address to use for REST API |
${SOS_API_URL~''} |
sos login
- Login account to allow use REST API commands
- Logged account credentials are stored in
- You override login credentials using environment variables
. Go to to generate the token.
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
--username (required) |
Username or e-mail user for box |
sos applet --help
Applet Generation
sos applet generate --name my-sample-applet
cd my-sample-applet
# Develop your applet with watching changes
npm start
# Build your applet production environment
npm run build
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
--name (required) |
Name your applet |
--version (optional) |
Initial version |
0.0.0 |
--target-dir (optional) |
Generate applet project to directory |
${PWD}/${name} |
--npm-registry (optional) |
NPM registry URL (for private npm) |
! Windows users note:
There are unresolved issue with NPX tool on Windows clients when your username contains spaces (e.g.: John Doe
To prevent this issue there is simple hotfix. Run following command in your Command Line (replace John
with your real first name):
Sometimes the Administrator privileges are required (Run as Administrator)
npm config set cache "C:\Users\John~1\AppData\Roaming\npm-cache" --global
Applet Upload
npm run upload
# Uploads all files in the applet directory
# Or alternatively you can use direct cli: `sos applet upload`
sos applet upload --applet-path=dist/index.html
# This will upload only the one specified file
# Rest of the files will be removed from our servers
- If applet is not created yet, it will create it
- The applet version is used from
- Applet UID will be stored in
- You can use SOS_APPLET_UID as environment variable to specify appletUid to upload to (sos.appletUid of package.json will be overlooked).
- You can use SOS_APPLET_VERSION as environment variable to specify applet version to upload to (version of package.json will be overlooked).
- Ignore files priority (from top to bottom)
> .npmignore
> .gitignore
- Only one ignore file is used or non
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
--applet-path (optional) |
Path of project directory |
${PWD} |
--entry-file-path (optional) |
Path of applet entry file |
${PWD}/dist/index.html |
Applet Start
sos applet start
- It's meant to be used with applets not created using the cli
- Doesn't have a hot reload at the moment
- Default values work for applet created using the cli
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
--port (optional) |
Port where the applet will run |
8090 |
--applet-dir (optional) |
Root path of built applet |
${PWD}/dist |
--project-dir (optional) |
Root path of applet project directory |
${PWD} |
--entry-file-path (optional) |
Path of built applet entry file |
${PWD}/dist/index.html |
Applet Tests Upload
sos applet test upload
- Upload all test files specified in package.json in sos.tests. The property is array of strings (relative paths to test files). E.g.:
["tests/sample.spec.js", "tests/sample2.spec.js"]
- It removes files which are extra on server already
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
--yes (optional) |
Skip interactive mode before it's uploaded |
false |
--verbose (optional) |
Show detailed info about changed files |
false |
Applet Tests Run
sos applet test run
- Run test files uploaded to server remotely.
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
--yes (optional) |
Skip interactive mode before it's uploaded |
false |
--test (optional) |
Test files which should be run. If omitted, all test are run |
{all tests} |
sos organization --help
Organization List
- Output is printed to STDOUT as JSON
sos organization list
Organization Get
- Output is printed to STDOUT as JSON
sos organization get
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
--organization-uid (required) |
Organization UID |
Organization Set Default
- Sets default organization for current logged in account. This organization will be used for example in webpack plugin of applet to register emulator
sos organization set-default
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
--organization-uid (required) |
Organization UID |
sos timing --help
Timing List
- Output is printed to STDOUT as JSON
sos timing list
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
--organization-uid (required) |
Organization UID |
--device-uid (required) |
Device UID |
sos device --help
Device Power action
Perform specified power action on a device.
sos device power-action
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
--organization-uid (required) |
Organization UID |
--device-uid (required) |
Device UID |
--type (required) |
Type of power-action |
Device Power action types
Argument |
Description |
reload |
Applet Reload |
displayOn |
Display power On |
displayOff |
Display power Of |
restart |
Application restart |
disable |
Applet disable |
enable |
Applet enable |
reboot |
System reboot |
refresh |
Applet Refresh |
Device Set-Content
sos device set-content
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
--organization-uid (required) |
Organization UID |
--device-uid (required) |
Device UID |
--applet-uid (required) |
Applet UID |
Device connect
sos device connect
# You will be provided with setting parameters
# You should build and upload applet to box before connecting applet to device
# This upload all files in actual directory as multifile applet
Argument |
Description |
Default value |
--ip (required) |
Ip address of computer in local network |
Automatically get from networkInterface |
--device-uid (required) |
Uid of device from box' |
--applet-dir (required) |
Directory of the applet project |
${PWD} |
--no-update-package-config (optional) |
Prevents updating package.json config when applet doesn't exists |
false |
Clone the repository and install dev dependencies
git clone # or
npm install
To try sos
command directly from source code, use ts-node src/index.ts
instead of sos
in project directory.
Global requirements
npm install ts-node -g