
Scan your repos for vulnerabilities (such as dependencies with published security advisories)

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import silintlVulnerabilityScanner from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@silintl/vulnerability-scanner';


Vulnerability Scanner

Scan your repos for vulnerabilities (such as dependencies with published security advisories)


  • NodeJS
  • Docker (for tests and dependency updates)
  • Make (because it's just easier that way)



First, do this setup:

  1. Copy .env.dist to .env and add appropriate values.
  2. Install node
  3. Run npm install

Next, use one of the following commands, depending on what you want to do. Note that if you also pass a URL to a CSV file specifying what versions of PHP and NodeJS various Docker images use, then any use of End-of-Life'd (EOL'd) versions of PHP and NodeJS will also be reported.

Scan an Entire GitHub Organization's Repos

Run this, replacing "ORGANIZATION" with the desired GitHub org. name:

node cli/scan-github-org.js ORGANIZATION [VERSIONS_CSV_URL]

Scan a Specific GitHub Repo

Run this, replacing "REPO" with the desired GitHub repo, in the format "repo-owner/repo-name":

node cli/scan-github-repo.js REPO [VERSIONS_CSV_URL]

Scan an Entire Bitbucket Workspaces's Repos

Run this, replacing "WORKSPACE" with the desired Bitbucket workspace name:

node cli/scan-bitbucket-workspace.js WORKSPACE [VERSIONS_CSV_URL]

Scan a Specific Bitbucket Repo

Run this, replacing "REPO" with the desired Bitbucket repo, in the format "repo-owner/repo-name":

node cli/scan-bitbucket-repo.js REPO [VERSIONS_CSV_URL]

Scan an Entire GitHub Organization and Bitbucket Workspace

Run this, replacing "GH_ORGANIZATION" with the desired GitHub org. name and "BB_WORKSPACE" with the desired Bitbucket workspace name:



This library is also published as an npm package for use in other JavaScript/Node applications:

AWS Lambda

To run this on AWS Lambda, see


To run the (local) tests, simply run make test. For more details, see the Makefile.

Backwards Compatibility

This repo uses semver, and its public interface (in order to determine what changes would break backwards-compatibility) is defined as the functions exported by ./index.js.

Checking Programming Language Versions

Each of the commands for scanning one or more repos also accepts an optional URL to a CSV file with mapping information between Docker images and programming language versions (e.g. PHP, NodeJS).

Docker-language-versions CSV file

Example CSV content:

Docker image,PHP version,NodeJS version


  • The header line needs to use exactly those values.
  • The values in the Docker image column should be the exact value used as the FROM in the Dockerfile.
  • For Docker images that do include PHP, specify only the major and minor version (such as 7.3, not 7.3.24).
  • For Docker images that do include NodeJS, enter a v and the major version (such as v16, not v16.13.1).
  • For Docker images that do not include the given programming language, use NONE.

One easy way to maintain a URL-accessible CSV file is as a Google Sheet, using the "File" > "Publish to Web" feature, selecting the desired sheet (tab), specifying "CSV" as the format option, and using the given URL in calls to this library.

Missing Docker image values

If your list of vulnerabilities includes a warning like the following...

No record found in spreadsheet for php:7.3-apache-buster

... you simply need to add a row to your CSV file with that Docker image (in this case, php:7.3-apache-buster) and what version of PHP it uses (in this case, 7.3).

If you do not know what version of PHP it uses (and if it is a Docker image you trust enough to run on your local computer), you can run a command like this, replacing YOUR-DOCKER-IMAGE-STRING with the actual value:

docker run --rm --entrypoint php YOUR-DOCKER-IMAGE-STRING -v

In the example above, that would mean running the following command:

docker run --rm --entrypoint php php:7.3-apache-buster -v


There is a little get-docker-lang-versions.sh helper script for determining the PHP, NodeJS, and Python versions (if any) used in a list of Docker images. However, it may change (and even be renamed) in future changes to this library. Feel free to use it, but don't depend on its current behavior or filename to remain unchanged.

For example, you could create a file called docker-images-unknown-versions.txt with a single docker image per line, then run the following:

cat docker-images-unknown-versions.txt | ./get-docker-lang-versions.sh

That would write out to a docker-lang-versions.txt file the CSV data to use in your spreadsheet of what programming language versions are used in what Docker images.

Unknown PHP versions

If your list of vulnerabilities includes a warning like the following...

Unknown PHP version: 8.1

... please submit a PR on this repo to add that PHP version and its EOL date to the "src/php.js" file's list of EOL dates.

To find the End-Of-Life (EOL) date for that version of PHP, go to https://www.php.net/supported-versions and find the latest date any kind of support is planned for that version (typically the "Security Support Until" date).


Unknown NodeJS versions

If your list of vulnerabilities includes a warning like the following...

Unknown NodeJS version: v19

... please submit a PR on this repo to add that NodeJS version and its EOL date to the "src/nodejs.js" file's list of EOL dates.

To find the End-Of-Life (EOL) date for that version of NodeJS, go to https://nodejs.org/en/about/releases/ and look at the "END-OF-LIFE" value for that version in the table near the end of the page.
