
Gate function calls based by time and process state

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import simpleCallGate from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@simple/call-gate';


Call Gate

The call gate allows components throughout an application to trigger actions which make HTTP requests without having to worry about managing request state or request duplication. For instance, if 10 different components in your application need "account" data, they can all request it at mount time, but only a single request will be issued.

This enabled through two mechanisms:

  • Lock in-progress state
  • Lock duration

If a lock is "in progress" with a specific name, all subsequent calls will be no-op until the lock is no longer in progress.

If a lock has a duration, all subsequent calls will be no-op until the duration expires. This is especially useful in cases where data is very unlikely to change.


import CallGate from 'lib/call-gate';
import { duration } from 'moment';
import { getAccounts } from '../apis/account';
import { account as types  } from 'lib/constants/action-types';

const gate = new CallGate();

export function accountsRequested() {
  return (dispatch, getState) => {

    const lock = gate.createLock('accountsRequested', () => {
      dispatch({ type: types.ACCOUNTS_REQUESTED });

      getAccounts(getState().auth, (error, response, body) => {
        // Mark the current locked call as done:

        if (error) {
        } else {
          const accounts = JSON.parse(response.body);
    }, duration(30, 'seconds'));


To compile this library for release, run npm run build.


Tests are run with mocha via npm test.