
Simple Node Report is a React report designer for the simplenodeorm. Simple Node Report allows the user to create, save and run WYSIWYG style HTML reports in simplenodeorm. To use the report designer call the application with the desired simplenodeorm c

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import simplenodeormSimplenodereport from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@simplenodeorm/simplenodereport';


Simple Node Report is a React report designer for the simplenodeorm. Simple Node Report allows the user to create, save and run WYSIWYG style HTML reports in simplenodeorm. To use the report designer call the application with the desired simplenodeorm context:


Source: https://github.com/simplenodeorm/simplenodereport.git

For more detailed information see Report Designer Documentation

This application is designed to work with simplenodeorm installations.

Simple Node ORM - NPM
Simple Node ORM - GitHub
Simple Node ORM - Documentation