
Helper functions for interfacing with git in Node. Useful for switching between a project's master/develop branch and a developers pull-request for review.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import simpleviewGitTools from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@simpleview/git-tools';



Helper functions for interfacing with git in Node. Useful for switching between a project's master/develop branch and a developers pull-request for review.


npm install @simpleview/git-tools

Package Api


Asserts if a given path isn't git.


Checks out a git repsitory using it's ssh URL. You can use this to checkout this repo from any branch and fork of the repo. Makes it very easy to code-switch to review a Pull Request from another developers fork. This will setup the working copy so that the origin remote using the args.origin, and any branches from origin are named using that origin's name. Branches from other remotes are prefixed with the origin, so a branch from "owenallenaz" would be named "owenallenaz-master" and will properly track the remote "owenallenaz/master".

  • args
    • origin - The SSH url for the repository.
    • path - The path without trailing / where the repo should be checked out to.
    • branch - optional - default 'master' - What branch to checkout.
    • remote - optional - default 'origin' - Specify if you want to checkout a fork of the origin.
    • github - optional - Specify a github link in format remote/branch, easy copy-pasting from the github UI.
    • silent - optional - default false - Whether or not the git commands should proceed silently or stream their output to the console.
    • interactive - optional - default false - Whether to prompt the user before making destructive actions like cleaning or resetting.


Returns the current active branch for the repo.


Returns an { commit, name, tracking } for each branch.


Returns "ahead" if working copy is ahead of the current remote/branch, "behind" if the working copy is behind the remote/branch and "equal" if the working copy is equal to the remote/branch.


Returns the tracking branch in the format remote/branch-name.


Returns boolean for whether the path is a git repo.


Returns boolean for whether the path has changes including removals, additions, and untracked changes.