
Singular framework command line interface for project management

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import singularCli from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@singular/cli';


Singular CLI

This package contains the command line interface (CLI) for Singular framework.

npm install @singular/cli -g
sg --version
sg --help


The following commands serves as the CLI documentation:

sg --help
# sg <command> --help (for command-specific usage)


npm test

Building the Source

npm start


Major versions of all @singular modules are all aligned with the framework's major. However, the minor and patch versions are independent of one another.

To safely upgrade from one major version to another, use sg upgrade.

To help with upgrading (using sg upgrade), there may be an incremental patch available with every major upgrade if necessary. The patch packages follow the name syntax @singular/inc-patch-{{baseMajor}}-{{targetMajor}} (e.g. @singular/inc-patch-1-2).