
Bundles in assets are version that are guaranteed to work with our tiles

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import siteoneVanillaMaps from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@siteone/vanilla-maps';


This set of scripts is intended to use leaflet in vanilla JS (without React)

  1. Bundles in assets are version that are guaranteed to work with our tiles

The XXX is the leaflet version.

  1. File map.js is only wrapper to provide neat API for our customers.


<link href='https://unpkg.com/@siteone/vanilla-maps@2.1.1/assets/css/1.4.0/bundle.css' rel='stylesheet' />
<script src='https://unpkg.com/@siteone/vanilla-maps@2.1.1/assets/js/1.4.0/bundle.min.js'></script>
<script src='https://unpkg.com/@siteone/vanilla-maps@2.1.1/map.js'></script>

/* You can override map styles (optional) */
  .mapsOneIcon {
  .mapsOneIcon.red {

<script type='text/javascript'>
  var map = new SiteMap('mapone', {
    tileUrl: "http://abcde/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?moKey=9752e2e42fd67d8db23f7877df986c50",
    fullscreenEnabled: true,
    clusteringEnabled: true,

  map.addMarker({ lat: 50.061, lng: 14.465 }, map.getIcon("red"), function () { return '<h3>' + "Název bodu 1" + '</h3><p>' + "popisek 12" + '</p>' })