
This is an example repo of building plugins.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import siteplanetPlanetNg from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@siteplanet/planet-ng';



This is an example repo of building plugins.

Step 1.

  • Update the package.json to have the correct package name for this repo.
  • Replace component-library under dependencies with your core stencil package name.

Step 2.

  • Build your core stencil package.

Step 3.

  • Update src/component-library-module.ts.
    • You will need to import all of your components from ./directives/proxies. Currently the file states DemoComponent as the only import. This will be replaced with the entire list.
    • Then update the DECLARATIONS const array to also list out all of the component names. It also currently contains DemoComponent as the only item, but this will need to be replaced with the entire list.

Step 4.

  • Run build on this package.