
Web component implementation of charts elements from Chart.js library

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import sixphereChartjs from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@sixphere/chartjs';


Sixphere - Chart.js Web Components

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Web component implementation of charts elements from Chart.js library. This implementation includes the following charts:


npm install '@sixphere/chartjs' --save



Attribute Values Description
width [Optional] Number - default: 0 Chart width
height [Optional] Number - default: 0 Chart height
data [Optional] Object - default: {} Chart data (see Chart.js reference)
options [Optional] Object - default: {} Chart options (see Chart.js reference)

How to use?

Register as a custom element

import { ChartBar, ChartLine } from '@sixphere/chartjs'

CustomElements.define(ChartBar.is, ChartBar)
CustomElements.define(ChartLine.is, ChartLine)


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Sixphere is a simpler way of understanding IT services, based on a strong and well balanced mix-ture of principles.


MIT License © 2019 Sixphere