
jQuery widget to perform cropping by zoom and pan

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import sjaakpCropper from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@sjaakp/cropper';



Cropper is a jQuery widget to add cropping by zoom and pan to any application. The cropping area is set by dragging the image 'under' the widget, and zooming with a slider. Cropper should work in any modern browser.

You can see Cropper in action here.

Here is Cropper's GitHub page.


Install Cropper with Bower:

bower install sjaakp-cropper

You can also manually install Cropper by downloading the source in ZIP-format.


Cropper depends on jQuery and jQuery.ui. It is tested with jQuery 2.1.1, and jQuery.ui 1.10.4.

Of the jQuery.ui library, only the slider widget is used. Therefore, only the following modules are required:

  • slider
  • core
  • widget
  • position
  • mouse


Load resources

In the header part of the HTML-page, link to the style sheets (.css) of jQuery.ui and of Cropper, like:

<link href="http://code.jquery.com/ui/1.10.4/themes/smoothness/jquery-ui.css" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="css/jquery.cropper.min.css" rel="stylesheet">

At the end of the body part, load the jQuery and jQuery.ui libraries:

<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.1.1.min.js"></script>
<script src="http://code.jquery.com/ui/1.10.4/jquery-ui.min.js"></script>

And load the Cropper code:

<script src="js/jquery.cropper.js"></script>


Cropper is loaded like most other jQuery.ui widgets. The code might look something like:

    $(document).ready(function () {
            ... cropper options ...

One ore more (or zero) options may be set, like:

    $(document).ready(function () {
            aspectRatio: .75,
            sliderPosition: "left"

Loading an image

After set-up, an image can be loaded in Cropper as follows:

$("#cropper").cropper({"loadImage", src});

Where src can be anything that can be src of an HTML img. So, to load a picture of Newton, the code might be:

$("#cropper").cropper({"loadImage", "img/Newton.jpg"});

src can be an image url, but also a Web File or a FileList, like those from a HTML file input. Take a look at the source code of demo.html for an example.

If src is false Cropper will be emptied.


Options can be set at set-up time (see above) or at run time. The technique is the same as with most other jQuery.ui widgets. So, to set aspectRatio to 1.33 after Cropper has been initialized, use something like:

$("#cropper").cropper({"option", "aspectRatio", 1.33});

To read an option:

var asp = $("#cropper").cropper({"option", "aspectRatio"});

The options have immediate effect after they have been set, so changes are in real time.


A float describing the dimensions of the cropped area, i.e. width / height. A square cropped area will have aspectRatio: 1, while a portrait layout may have aspectRatio: .75, and a landscape layout aspectRatio: 1.5. Default is 1.


The width of Cropper's area margin, in pixels. Default is 40.


The diagonal of the cropping area, in pixels. If aspectRatio changes, both width and height of the cropping area change, but the diagonal is constant. Default: 300.


The minimal size of the cropped area in pixels. The size is the length of the greatest side, so for a portrait layout it will be the height. If an image is too small, it will not be cropped. minSize also determines the maximum zoom factor of the image. Default: 240.


Position of the slider with respect to the preview area. Possible values: "top", "bottom", "left", "right". Default is "bottom".


The handler of the change event. See below.



Whenever something changes, Cropper fires the change event. This can be used to update other elements on the page, f.i. hidden inputs.

The event handler has to be a function or a closure with the signature function(evt, data), where evt is the usual Javascript event object. data is an object containing the following Cropper information:

    aspect: ...		// the current aspect ratio
    x: ...			// left position of the crop area
    y: ...			// top position of the crop area
    w: ...			// width of the crop area
    y: ...			// height of the crop area

The crop dimensions are all in pixels. All the members of data are floats (with an almost ridiculous precision), including the pixel values. Keep that in mind when processing them.

demo.html contains an example how the change event may be utilised. In this case, the handler function is set as the change option at set-up time.


I drew inspiration from Rabona's Image Crop for the look and feel. However, Cropper was coded from scratch.