Server index
Skazka Server Index is serving "index.html" file without caching.
There are 3 Skazka Server modules for working with static files:
- Skazka Server Index should be the first module for checking url and returning index.html file without cache.
- Skazka Server Static should be the second module for serving any static files with a cache system.
- Skazka Server SPA module should be the last module in the app chain (after router, graphQL...). It returns index.html file for any request - the main idea of any SPA server.
How to install
npm i @skazka/server @skazka/server-index
With yarn:
yarn add @skazka/server @skazka/server-index
Skazka Server static and spa:
npm i @skazka/server @skazka/server-static @skazka/server-spa
With yarn:
yarn add @skazka/server @skazka/server-static @skazka/server-spa
Optionally you can add http server, error handler, logger, router, request and response:
npm i @skazka/server-http @skazka/server-router @skazka/server-error @skazka/server-logger @skazka/server-request @skazka/server-response
With yarn:
yarn add @skazka/server-http @skazka/server-router @skazka/server-error @skazka/server-logger @skazka/server-request @skazka/server-response
How to use
const { resolve } = require('path');
const App = require('@skazka/server');
const Router = require('@skazka/server-router');
const index = require('@skazka/server-index');
const serve = require('@skazka/server-static');
const spa = require('@skazka/server-spa');
const error = require('@skazka/server-error');
const logger = require('@skazka/server-logger');
const request = require('@skazka/server-request');
const response = require('@skazka/server-response');
const server = require('@skazka/server-http');
const app = new App();
const router = new Router();
const root = resolve(__dirname, 'dist');
index({ root }),
]).then(serve({ root, index: false }));
app.then(async (ctx) => {
// it works for any request
router.get('/data').then(async (ctx) => {
return ctx.response('data');
app.then(spa({ root }));
- root - directory with index file, by default: __dirname.
- index - file name, by default: index.html (you can use for example index.htm...).
- url - it works only for this url, by default: "/".
Example with all options:
root: resolve(__dirname, 'dist'),
index: 'index.html',
url: '/',